IMHO...I'll just say stuff

N wurd please.....LOL

Watched it last night. I am going to need folks to stop calling it the best movie of the year. It had some good parts and it had some parts that were just stupid. I can watch Regina King do anything.

I hear a lot of whining from those that probably have shelves full of participation trophies at the crib. One team beat the shit out of another team. Tuck your pearls, those kids on the losing side will be fine. 

How does this work? Do the ask him to send them back? When they do this? Who is cutting this dude’s hair? He shouldn’t have an edge up like that. You sir are raggedy so your hairline should reflect that. 

This is a dumb ass issue. The character is a soror. Fictional people do real people things in movies and TV all the time just like this.  Clutchin pearls........

My fav President is named Obama, so he a fuckin lie already. Orange face bastid. 

Wow! Golf is the sport where mother nature can come in and fuck your whole shit up. 

here is the the obligatory “ Fuck Her!” 

It was boring and euro trash beat infested muck. I deleted it. 

Wait....you are worried about kids being there but you have a very potty type vocab ma’am in front of said kids..... Shame Shame Shame 

They can participate in the Go Fuck Yourself Contest. The winner gets their age in punches to the face. I hear its quite the spectacle. 

You live in the Wishanigga Woods area, too?

Sir..... Sir..... Let me congratulate you one these very well thought out sentiments. You are a scholar and a gentleman. Transparent aluminum!?!? I still have tears in my eyes....LOL

Ever???? Like since Hip Hop started ever or if you don’t count about...hmmmm ...about 50 people that can go harder than dude ever? I know everyone has their fav and its multi generational now but ever??? I guess if you say that all rappers are among the greatest ever then sure...... If you are in the top 500 or 100 I

I won’t watch not one min of this bullshit....... and fuck her. 

Nice Read. I love this shit, too. I struggled with black characters for most of my comic book reading life. It was clear even at an early age that white dudes created and wrote the stories for these characters. They would start out cool and then it would be a lot of” wait, what?? No black person would say or do

Adding tonic water and a slice of cucumber to white tears poured over ice, makes for such a refreshing beverage.

This is funny but not funny. This is how it could start. Civil War. The terrorists from last week had cops, military, firemen, and govt people among them. There has always been groups of terrorist white boys that stay on ready set. They have been training for years for this and this could be the start. Cops, National

She posted on her social “nothing is going to stop us” then got stopped....

What’s Jason Whitlock’s power gonna be?