
I thought the exact same thing. At least don't let her get within stabbing distance, or put her in protective armor, yeesh. She would have made for a nice witness for them.

I'm actually confused about how she's working there. She mentioned/lied to Ed about returning to her owner, so does he think he's "renting" her from someone for several hours a day?

That is very thorough, thanks!

Ok, not gonna lie - I can't exactly remember how Topside/Dyad/Leekie fit (or didn't) with the Neolutionists. I thought Leekie was king Neolutionist for a while, but it was a surprise when the Neolutionists popped back up? I'm annoyed at myself that I can't remember.

Yes! That was my thought as well. And right before, she asked if she should leave them alone. While they were out celebrating her. And they were like, no, no! Cue under the table hand job and being glued to each other.

I thought Major told Minor on bus that Minor would be very famous soon, indicating the police probably would release photos of the dog, and someone might recognize him, connecting Major to the crime. So whole I hadn't put it together that he'd abandoned the collar a while back, I assumed he also didn't want to risk

Agreed. And re: the comments below, didn't she eventually hear the voicemail bc of some plot with the NSA? I don't remember the specifics, but I have the memory that she heard it, had the opportunity to do something about it/be with Will, and chose not to.

It does seem like Hassler would have been frozen if he'd been one of the folks who believed Pilcher (as seems to be the case). But then logic would seem to dictate (such as "logic" is in a show where people have been frozen for 2000 years, everything has held up just fine, and people have mutated in that time) that

Here's a timeline Chad Hodge gave in EW. Hopefully I actually am adding something productive to the conversation:

Thanks! You have been very generous with your time.

Thanks again, @niallmcardle:disqus! I have one last question, and then I shall quietly fade away, but did Matt Dillon happen to ask what the fuck is up with the public executions?

Thanks! I actually saw all that, but I missed the entirety of Pope's involvement, it seems. I didn't see him kidnapping anyone, etc. And I didn't see anyone waking up.

I have DirectTV (thanks, husband) and we had a big storm last night, so I missed a big chunk. Would some mind filling me in on what happened between right when Pilcher starts filling in Pope (it cut out right after they began talking, so I missed that whole convo) to when Pilcher describes Group A?

I agree that they're in the far-future, and that whatever is outside is what has evolved/devolved during that time. Other than that, not sure if it's stasis, or time travel/retrieval or what. After Under the Dome, I was hesitant to watch, as well, but this is already much better.

Ahhh, I've actually never seen/read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, so the actual end of Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack was my only reference point, and I failed to get the Cuckoo reference. Feel free to shame me as you see fit.

I loved last week's reference to It's Always Sunny when Major says he got out of the insitiution by having a large Indian throw a water fountain through a window.

Has the show ever touched on why Liv doesn't make any effort to look more normal? It actually bugs me every week that the other zombies have dyed their hair and used spray tan to some extent, but she doesn't, and she looks so obviously odd. I feel like the pilot even had her buying bronzer, but she doesn't appear to

I should have said a poorly done version of that. So it was shitty, and unoriginal. (Again, I acknowledge I haven't even seen the Grey's episode)

I admittedly did not watch the episode (or any Grey's episode in years), but it sounds to me a lot like the "Amber dies" plot on House, where they can't find her, and it turns out she in another hospital knowing she's gonna die.