
Love the Simple Jack moniker/reference. Am I the only one who got the feeling that Shirtless Confused Gay Cop was also acting suspicious Emily? Maybe he's actually pretending to be into her so he can "investigate" her? I dunno why I'm putting any real thought into this.

So, are we still pretending that Nolan is bi?

Agreed - I don't like how they skip to the aftermath of everything so quickly. The relationships between characters lurch forward in these great leaps and bounds, as opposed to seeing how each one has actually progressed, and the resolution of a big story line from one week is just mentioned in passing the next, if at

Sweet - there's no more snow here, but we can have a pollen fight.

Yeah, I really didn't like show basically yelling at us, "NOPE, THE TRIANGLE IS NOT DEAD! SORRY, SUCKERS!" either. Especially after all of Bash's sexy proclamations to Kenna earlier in the ep. Speaking of which, so they were just "taking it slow" up until that moment? It was all just serious amounts of foreplay I

Perhaps they were actually saying "Bahamian" the whole time, and in the Reign universe, Archduke Ferdinand ruled and resided in the Caribbean.

I like that you call it Ye Olde Abortion Clinic - I had been thinking of the woman there as the Ye Olde Back Ally Abortionist. And I agree, Kenna becoming more of a villainess/manipulator-type of character definitely makes her more interesting. She's almost stating to be forged in the Blair Waldorf mold (almost -

Yeah, I thought condoms had been around for a while, and even used my work computer to verify that on Wikipedia, because that's how dedicated to this show I am, I just thought it was a bit ham-handed to be like, "no glove, no love, kids!" 10 minuted after Henry banged that chick to her death. But I guess this is the

Did I imagine this, or when Kenna was selflessly encouraging Lola to be the mistress of their best friend/Queen's husband, she said that the King wrapped "it" in "something," and then said Lola shouldn't be having sex if she didn't know about that. Wait, what? Was that some weird way of encouraging the kids watching

So what's the etiquette here on spoilers/possible spoilers? I saw a Canadian promo today that's more focused on the aftermath of Lola and Francis going to Ye Old Bone Zone (Oh, I am the Shia LaBeouf of the AV Club Reign comment board - I will steal your shit without attribution, even though the source material is

So, was it me, or did Francis look generally lukewarm about being chosen by/marrying the love of his life. I think Caroline nailed it with the “Cool story, Mary. Now let’s bone.” Except it stopped at "Cool story, Mary." He honestly did not look like he could even half muster the energy or desire to bone her. I was