Moist Platypus

And let’s not forget that you could also tweak the color settings for the walls/ceiling, and make things even more hallucinatory.

As someone observing this from the relative calm and sanity of Australia I have a few questions.

Well, the lights aren’t on in the LEGO White House, so that’s a very accurate representation. 

I did this ages ago on Flash Flash Revolution. There’s a blast from the past.

She is currently stuck inside everyday, doesn’t get to see her friends or relatives, had her party canceled and is scared of whats going on right now.

She’s a child in quarantine, she's already getting denied access to friends, let her have some happiness.

His stupidity knows no bounds. We’ve known for months that COVID-19 would hit the US, and did nothing to prepare for it. Thousands of people will die who could have been saved if Cheeto and his sycophants hadn’t spent the whole time calling it a hoax.

Does this simpleton understand

Does this simpleton understand

Invoke the “P”? Didn’t he already do that in a Russian hotel room with some hookers?

You can’t fix stupid. You can just keep it away from anything important. Of course, this being America, we made it President.

IKR! First you yell “drain the swamp!”, then you do all the swampiest of swampy things possible - and THEN, your voters re-elect you. /facepalm

And a full-blown motherfucking idiot in charge of the whole damn thing.

Trump is an indelible shitstain on the underpants of American history.

ok but that’s the most scripted looking dive I’ve seen outside of Spanish Futbol.

Don’t think for a second that I don’t see what’s happening here Zack Zweizen (if that’s even your real name). Schreier sent you as the bearer of bad news to throw us off the trail of him being responsible for the delay.

Not sure they call it a pension payout but it’s potentially as much as 58 mil.

Interesting, I actually didn't know that. I found a pdf from Boeing taking about how to choose, and it's basically monetary like you say.

I think ascribing this to some sort of dislike for Conan O’Brien is overthinking it a bit.