Moist Platypus

I probably won’t play this, but this article does give me Freelancer flashbacks. Good times, especially once I started looking into the mods.

Happy to help.

Rule 34 applies here.

Remind me again who comprises the bulk of industry & politics in the US. 

Not in Europe they wont be. Cant have the App in european app stores without being GDPR compliant and Twitter is not GDPR compliant.

But it brings all the boys to the yard...

I think it means that any games outside that 15 years do not automatically fall under this deal. Everything else however is theirs forever.

Elon Musk Is Once Again Thinking[..]

Tweak rules! Mod! Use codes! Save Scum! Dust off the damn Game Genie! Life is too damn short to live with an outcome you don’t like or a game that doesn’t suit your ambitions or the narrative you want to see.

Why? They paid their money to play the game they can play it however they want. 

This isn’t a democracy, or some board-driven campaign. Musk owns it outright. He’s never going to listen and he’s never going to back down. Your Twitter is dead. The sooner you recognize that, the sooner you can let it go.

This. I finally pulled the plug on my account.


Let’s just agree to start calling it Xitter

What a little goober Elon is. Just an amazing ability to show how small and unintelligent he has always been.


I remember everyone going nuts over the cover mechanics in the first Gears of War and thinking “guys, Kill.Switch did this already.”

All those images of taking cover and popping shots reminds me....Kill.Switch was a damn fine and innovative game.

The more time passes the more I’m convinced that Elon, in his youth, discovered a magical monkey’s paw and made the following wishes:

So instead of yelling “BANZAI!!” we’d be yelling “BONSAI!!!”