Moist Platypus

Simple. They turn Ripley into a Disney Princess and release a G rated “Alien Tales” show on Disney +.

Pai’s FCC not complying or following government oversight and protocol, color me shocked.

You are there to answer some damn questions.

The actual phrase being repeated is “Nick Fury controls my summer vacation”
Edit: My Japanese speaking wife now informs me the more accurate translation is “My summer vacation is controlled by Nick Fury”

oooooo are we bringing back light guns for games yaaaaaaaay!

Because in space, the drill rotates YOU !

Counterpoint: Into the Spider-verse

You should google his behavior on the Suicide Squad set.  He did a lot of weird and gross shit in the name of being method.  

You want to look up his behaviour on Suicide Squad. He’s not a nice person.

I can shit wherever I want.

I haven’t played the game so maybe I’m missing something story-wise but 76 stands for the number of patches until it’s playable, right?

The price is inversely proportional to the significance of the summit. 

All the canvassing for the midterm elections really depleted our reserves. 

The giant shark is from the recent movie The Meg, starring Jason Statham. I meant it to be a more realistic replacement for Emerald Weapon.

milked as much as it can be

Do Tribbles have a meaty centre, or are they all fur?

Robin Hood Video Claims People Want To See Upcoming Robin Hood Movie