Moist Platypus

Scott Adams is also a humorist... So there is a good chance he was being absurd on purpose.  And you took the bait and wrote an entire column about it.  

Chaotic neutral with low charisma is not a spec to bring to a reddit mod campaign. 

Why did you fly commerical, Mr Trump?

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”

Brian, not for nothing, but the wording of the headline could use a little tweaking.  When I read it I thought that they had actually dropped the proposal, as in decided not to move forward.

Maybe they should provide grief counseling to the fans after unceremoniously firing one of its most beloved creators.

What are the odds that this woman would gush over white kids selling lemonade.

Have you heard of this up-and-coming band, Nirvana?

Wait I think I’ve played this game:

I know I’m supposed to be grossed out by this. A decade ago, I would’ve been. But I’ve been so turned around on how great rats are that now I see that swarm and I can only see this:

These fuckers cannot and should not stop until there are saliva trails dangling between people’s lips.

Yeah I don’t blame corporations for doing this at all. The law says you can legally stuff a politician’s pockets with cash. Who wouldn’t do that? The problem is that the law allows it in the first place...


WhaaaAAA? Where is this from?

They can be unapologetically evil in the US, but Google’s Canadian subsidiaries are required to be apologetically evil.

I thinks angry vegans are angry because they are hungry.