Moist Platypus

Just wait for it to be a scarf wrapped around someone at some red carpet gathering....

Awesome sense to me!  2029 is only a few years away. That gives AI 4 years to finish skynet, invent time travel and send Arnold back.

Been working in the industry in QA since 06 and while this as an understandable frustration, its pretty much inevitable in this day and age.

Damnit now I want to play with those again.

Im personally going for velocipastor tonight...  the trailer looks awful but amazing at the same time!  (It's on prime!)

Genuine question. With all the litigation trump and his goons are going through, is this even news worthy?

Newgrounds....  way to much time on that site!  I can't remember it's name and a quick Google didn't find it, but was very much like cube runner.  I am pretty sure it's older than that.

I had forgotten this existed, thank you kind commenter :)

I have been saying this from the moment sony started crying about call of duty. It’s way to large of a franchise to remove from the playstation ecosystem. It would not be profitable to do that.

Its still around!!!

This article has become way to relevant recently.....

Read that as often finding myself licking......

Kinja1999 sounds like a game I would have played as a kid!

Kinja1999 sounds like a game I would have played as a kid!

Thanks for the laugh buddy! Your wrong. Have you ever read the definition of refugee?

Not all of us live in places that can easily plug in a car (apartments, condos, anywhere you dont have a driveway or garage)

Fair enough I stand corrected thank you!  I apparently did not read as far enough into it as I thought.  I will have to read further.

From what I understand no pension is being given to the ousted CEO.

I did the same thing....

have this on my desk at work, couldn’t agree more