Moist Platypus

Requires OS6.


Nope, just the cost of netflix. I did not factor in the cost of xbox live which is 50 a year if you buy their card.

how does $7.95 a month equal $60 a year?

LOL! lets let science get to that point, and I will give you a free VIP room in my club :)

wow, retarded post is retarded.

troll being a troll

yes, apparently they do. I had an idea for a strip club of the future which got knocked by a few of my friends in the tech departments of companies saying I could never patent it and make billions.

Its okay all, we all know the best camera is the one we have with us, so unless op is holding their set camera in their hands at all times, I think we can just discount it.

altered my

Wow, this is a a not well thought out argument. I completely agree with Duffin on this. First of all, I was hit with an illegal download many years back when I was younger and living at home. My mom did a reset on the router (wireless and wired) and I was wired in. About 2-3 weeks later we received a notice of

Its a Shoop Da Whoop getting ready to fire his lazerz ^_^

i iz bronie!

I just want to know how big their business class is...

They have ~1 year on their contract, so them making maps with almost a year left in their contract is a direct F-U to Google.

Ze goggles, ZE DO NOTHING


Your name is way to close to Justin Bieber, I cant take you seriously....

I am from California and missed tacos when I traveled to Brazil lol.

I think they usually charge more for that.