Moist Platypus

There is not enough wub wub for this to be dubstep!

You are the weakest link.... INFECT

I grease myself every moment I can, especially if I am going to go into public. Although, this tends to be more of like a KFC grease but same concept!

Slot motion, the newest thing by James Cameron

Do you see these 2 toe hooks? They look like tusks.

Did the sniper shot make anyone want to play Silent Scope?

And I thought the Big Dog they were working on was freaky....

There is going to be too much screen hacking for their own good.

Hey its still a great song. While I do completely agree that its an odd choice, its nice to not hear wubstep in an AC III trailer :)


Thats what she said? =P

When I was in high school (wow, I feel old now even though it was only 8 years ago), I bought a skateboarding backpack which I modified a bit to carry either my roller blades or a tennis racket. It had a latch in the front that clicked together and to be honest, I thought it was an amazing idea, and cost a fraction

I have apparently had to many visualizers (milkdrop on winamp) playing on a second monitor while playing games that this does not bother me even the slightest. Now I have to get this to see how quickly I can get friends to play it and say "I'm out!"

I am willing to bet you are right. If us, the random people sitting here looking at the pictures (which I am sure were analyzed insanely before released) think of it, they sure have.

Honestly, the one thing I got out of it (besides the fact that the commercial is amazing and made me laugh) was the $54.99 value for free. WAIT A TICK, does anyone remember when people freaked out when games went from $49.99 to $59.99? that was WEEEELLLLLLL after this came out...

LOL now that you mention it, I decided to go back and play the game with that in the background, and I was a little more terrified. It actually made me way to comfortable... Then light static, and I didnt follow the video and turned around... I believe it is safe to assume you know what happened next.

The only thing I wonder about is the last portion, the rock that is a different color than the rest of the landscape. While I dont think its a martian animal or anything, it would be interesting to study why its a different color. Whats it made out of? Why is it that color. That, I think would be more interesting

Just randomly came about this article, the flower garden song is great, but the N64 yoshi game, the theme song where they are all singing, thats all you need

I want to play the xmen/simpsons game but with avengers characters...