Moist Platypus

Well, 3 hours notice could have started response teams. While it may not have made the disaster any better, it could have helped prepare the response team, and maybe gotten some scientists on board a few hours earlier to start prepping for the disaster. Would it have prevented it, not likely, but a few hours could

AHAHAHA I would sooooo buy that keyboard if it came with HL3. I didnt even notice that while watching the video, good catch on that one :)

I love the fact that when you look at the picture, and if you were a red/blue player, you know that pic is Pokemon #152, Missingno

For those that dont remember, Star Wars Episode 3 Chinese bootleg with English subtitles was hysterical. It was called Backstroke of the West and had some of the greatest possible quotes ever.

forget wi-fi, forget GPS, forget all that. Does it have a NFC chip on it? What if we find a rock that can communicate with it!

Okay I have to say, you might be on to something. I didnt even think twice about the save icon being a floppy, its just what I am used to. At least in regards to the phone icon, seriously, what are you going to do, change it to be the phone that is currently being used? That style phone is iconic and even younger

I feel you, I got a Galaxy SIII and it takes great pictures, if I am not the one taking the picture, or not using the multi shot feature.

I will have to try this out, but if you enjoy Gundam games, I have been playing the Korean version of SD Gundam Capsule Fighter for years, and just recently found out it was ported to the americas, and is free to play(see freemium). Have not been able to stop since. Oh, and its PC based :)

TLDR for this: frustrations with game companies announcements, announcing premium BF3 then this right after, and so on. (in fairness the same can pretty much be said about movie companies, or most entertainment industries)

Headsho.... owait....

I say the only way to combat this is to ensure our clown friend is upgraded with a death suit so someone wearing tech glasses does not feel out of place.

I love how so many posts have grammatical and/or spelling errors.

The Gawker network has been awful for about 2 years now. I usually come to them to find a story, then research it on other websites. I hope they realize their mistake and fix it....

Terrifying... Just Terrifying...