
At the bottom of the Mustang ladder is the base V6 engine, now actually down on power slightly to 300 horsepower from the old car. It still has 280 pound-feet of torque.

I've seen this before...

An extra couple of inches of legroom would be great.

The old PRODUCTION cars weren't "powerful" by today's standards.

Unfortunately, the US media doesn't let those pesky facts get in the way of a narrative. Even if that narrative could be considered good and constructive.

Bullshit. Also, get out of my city.

This is complete bullshit and I hate De Blasio with a passion.

Raphael, could you please tell us the name of, and how we can donate to, the PAC(s) against speed limit enforcement in New York? This issue continues to go down a bad path for us motorists.

Zero mph is a 100% survival ate, so we must ban cars, trucks, ambulances, and those goddamn scooters old people ride around on.

Any measure involving passive speed-cameras and not active, human law-enforcement sounds like a load of profiteering BS to me.

What does the survival rate increase to at 10 mph? How about 5? How about we ban cars and everyone can squeal in delight at their safety?

Yes they are promoting more efficiency, but so did group C. They had a maximum amount of fuel available per race and look how that went, the new LMP-1 rules have a maximum amount of energy available per lap and they are lining up to compete. The reason this works is because they don't stifle the innovation like F1

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720p? Are you kidding me? Sure, the contrast and saturation look great (if not a little over the top) partially due to the polarized filter that they used, but they are definitely digitally enhanced. The sky was overexposed, but showed up as various shades of pink in every shot. I mean, if someone is going to the

Tomorrow's story: Car's owner found with huge spider attached to face.

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Merc actually has a history of seriously sweet sounding turbo V8s:

Talk about modular construction! McLaren is starting to work just like a Lego set...

-Southern France Music Festival Racing

Pretty much every car is slower doing 5-60 than it is from 0-60. This is because when accelerating from a stop, you can dump the clutch at high RPMs (or brake torque the car to high RPMs if it is an automatic). When you accelerate from 5-60, you have no choice but to accelerate from low RPMs because the car is already