
Jim Feuling was the man behind the engine. An incredible innovator in the automobile and motorcycle world. Feuling was definitely a man ahead of his time with a large number of patents to his credit with his most obvious accomplishment the 3 valve head Ford employed on its older 4.6 and 5.4 MOD motors despite most

The Porsche Cayenne. Oh, the hatestorm that it started among the purists!

Nissan ran into this with the GT-R and dealt with it appropriately.

Not to detract anything from this monster of a car, but this is PR BS.

What? No Citroen SM5-speed? Merde alors!

I'm not making a judgement call either way on the complaints. I'm saying that I hear a lot more talk compared to action by recent graduates. It's become an established mind-set in many college students that the job market sucks, and you probably won't get hired. Then once they don't get hired out of college they


Seriously, what's with all the hate on this ad among the Jalopnik staff? I and many other commenters enjoyed it. Stupid car, but the ad is sound.

It's smart.

It has a glorious burble. Who knew two old Ford V6s shoved together could make such a racket?

Not bad Hyundai, not bad at all

The gauge in the center of the cluster should have been a dead giveaway...

God is punishing Porsche and Ferrari for abandoning the manual transmission.

Falcon Punch!

There's something wonderful about driving a car that is only one or two steps above a go-kart. In a world where most cars have what were once considered luxury items (power steering, windows, A/C, etc) it's nice to find something that's just wheels and a motor.

You need to keep in mind that anything posted on a public forum online is likely to draw scrutiny from people who either know more about it than you do, take full advantage of google to try and discredit you, or who'll get their noses out of joint for reasons you couldn't have anticipated. Remember it's a school