
Thank you for posting this. I too would have had no idea it existed without Jeremy & Friends. The car wash scene is a classic...

“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”

I feel like I’m in a safe space so I’ll come out and say it... I like vans. Big ones, little ones, weird ones. I took a class trip to the UK in high school (‘97) and kinda fell in love with the Ford Transit. It was my first trip across the pond (it sounds pretentious even when written) and I couldn’t stop checking out

Yes, more of THIS. Great post Erin. This is why I Jalopnik.


I’d have bought a Jack Nicklaus edition Gloria. But I’m a sucker for b-pillarless rides. You’re spot on with the Japanese near obsession with Americana in the 80's and 90's. I was in Tokyo in 2014 and I was shocked by the amount of ‘American Inspired’ kitsch there.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Everyone is losing their minds whether they are directly affected by the virus or not. I have seen some of the best and worst parts of humanity in the last 30 days.

You might be right that this is overblown. But what if you’re wrong? We’ve seen what this virus can do in a month. If you’re wrong a few hundred thousand people die because we wanted our ‘freedom’ back. What do we tell those families? Sorry but the economy is more important. This economy is going to be shit for 18-22

I am sorry to hear that you have the terrible task of laying off your employee after his wife has already been laid off. It is a truly shity situation. I had to break the news to 2,800 employees that they were all being furloughed in March. I had to explain to human beings that I respect and have genuine affection for

And you would be 100% correct.

Thanks for the update. I was wondering when the new episodes would appear. I didn’t know I cared about new content until now. I am actually feigning for new episodes of my favorite shows. It's embarrassing.

The 797B has a 20-cylinder diesel engine. The other one is a pure V8 like god intended. But the sheer size of that truck... Wow. Just wow. 

I didn’t even know any of the heavy equipment manufacturers were working on fully electric models. I knew the ultra class of mining trucks and excavators were usually diesel-electric.

Do we not ALL agree that “Police Chases are Dangerous and Need to Stop”? Are police chases SAFE and should CONTINUE? Tell me how that title is false or misleading?

I’m sure you knew you’d take heat for this post but I’m pretty shocked that a large portion of commenters think that all police chases are proper. A family friend was killed during a stupid, stupid police chase. A state trooper clocked a driver going 72 mph in a 55 zone. The driver decided he would rather not stop and

Nailed it! Pohanka right? They are notorious.

Wow, I thought I knew most of the wedge cars. I am pleasantly surprised to find out I know nothing. This thing is peak 80's. Look at that wing!

My post consists of these awesome things called F A C T S. You may be unfamiliar with them but they are kinda like what President Trump says but actually truthful. Okay so not like anything he says.

The same thought I had. I wasn’t gonna feed the troll on that one but Left Lane triggered me on this one. If they mention why blacks are dying of covid19 disproportionately I'll need a new phone.

The UK and ze Germans privatized their postal services. But they both operate profitably because they own banks as well. The USPS has been specifically forbidden from offering financial services. So funny that Walmart and State Farm can own banks but no, not the post office. How could they possibly provide localized