
I hope you’re kidding. Greta Thunberg is a CHILD who is trying to alert the world to the danger we adults are ignoring. I am not a tree-hugging, Greenpeace loving, eco-nut but I do care about the planet I leave my children. I don’t agree with the whole “Okay, boomer” meme but it speaks to the current leadership whose

I treat Jeremy Clarkson the same way I treat our Dear Leader President Trump: Remember that he is an entitled, silver-spoon asshole who LOVES attention. Frankly, I’m shocked he hasn’t run for the House of Commons as a Tory.

Believe me I do. I showed the significant other your reply and she is still laughing at me. I used to live next door to one of the housewives so I'm addicted to the show... They are all terrible people.

Yeah, but its SOOO much better than the alternative...

I absolutely hate myself for this but second from the left is Teresa Guidice who has four daughters and no sons. However, Melissa in the middle has a son and a husband I can DEFINITELY see doing this in a few years.

I think it’s a render of the 2020 Mercedes S-Class interior. It’s based off this spy shot.

You are so right. Folks refuse to believe that foreign automakers actually invest heavily in the US. My friend who got the Tacoma inherited it from her Dad who has worked for Toyota for 28 years and has used that salary to put four kids through college. She had a sticker similar to this one on the back window.

5th Gear: Great job Ford. First the Explorer has a terrible launch and now you’re doing the same thing with the Aviator which is built in the same plant. The Aviator is THE most important vehicle launch in Lincoln’s rejuvenation. You’re trying to grab sales from Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Cadillac, Lexus and Acura. Please

I have friends like this and their parents mandated American cars for their first car. One was given a Chevy Cobalt, one got an Ion (not redline) and one got a Toyota Tacoma.

I love whoever decided that this needed to exist. Murica!

I looked at the above dustbuster utes with both horror and fascination. I do believe GM had a better design for the CyberTruck though. Please meet the GMC Terradyne concept from 2000...

I wouldn’t spend $4,500 of MY dollars but it is a fair price for a good condition Ion Redline. I always try to remember that the point of NPOCP “Is the price reasonable for the vehicle?” I don’t want it but... reluctant nice price.

That’s awesome. Pity I’m not that clever... Jambulance.

Any BMW in Dravit Gray is the truth...

That would be the 1970 Vauxhall SRV. Obscure but gorgeous...

I would do some pretty bad things for that M1... don't ask.

I hope angles will make a comeback. I’m getting kinda tired of the high beltline, amorphous blobs on sale today. (Think BMW X6) I want all of my 80's wedge shaped cars...

I was a DJ in college and my dad got tired of me using his Excursion to haul my equipment. One morning he threw the Auto Trader at me and told me to find my own truck to treat like a UHaul. I paid $2,200 for a red 1990 Aerostar cargo van similar to this one.

Great post. I’ve been watching the vintage 911 market for a while now and it seems to be softening slightly. The true test will be how they do in the Arizona auctions this coming January. I’m hoping the decline is gradual and not a complete crash in prices. If the bubble suddenly bursts it could take a portion of the

It is definitely the season for tire replacement. Sir Stirling Moss is one of my heroes. He even takes time to school the children. Lol. Two of the greatest drivers of all time.