
She is never living this one down. My father in law hit a parked (and thankfully empty) schoolbus. I bought him a kids backyard play set that’s guess what.... a schoolbus. He was the neighborhood laughingstock until his neighbor hit a UPS truck. Yes, it’s a retirement community.

The FT article is mostly surprising for the level of detail. It seems clear that company insiders are disclosing the inner workings of the Ghosn era. He stomped on a number of heads during his tenure. The crazy part is that most Fortune 500 CEO’s are paid more than Ghosn. His problem is he wanted to hide his true

We are soooooo far from calling body styles by their traditional names. I’ve given up already.

Hey, let them call it whatever they want. I’m surprised they aren’t calling it a Sports Activity Coupe. Save the wagons!

I also went and looked at current P1800 prices after I saw the new Polestar 1. The P1800 and P1800ES are still timeless today. Makes me wonder what current designs might age as well...

I completely forgot about that one! A classic movie. I remember laughing my a** off watching Weekend at Bernie’s. Thanks for the nostalgia.

I completely agree. Even today I still check out early 90's Taurus SHO’s.

No doubt. Even though the Swiss pinky swear they report all the assets of US citizens to the IRS I just don’t believe them. Their entire banking sector is built on secrecy and hidden ill-gotten gains.

I stand corrected. So we’re trailing the Swiss huh? Makes sense..

Right!? I would be all over that thing if I saw it in person.

I very much want Tesla to be successful but I’ll believe it when I see it. Don't disappoint me again Elon...

Do go on... No what?

This thing would fit right in at The Villages retirement community just NW of Orlando. They take their ‘mobility solutions’ err, golf carts very seriously.

It’s a ridiculous photo. We are supposedly the wealthiest nation on earth but we can’t keep Pittsburgh's streets from swallowing buses. Yeah, I know it was underground incident but infrastructure maintenance is seriously needed.

I don’t remember any huge rocks defeating clueless motorists but my old City’s streets decided to take a stand against mass transit.

You nailed it. The most important thing about Roger Penske is that he is a Jalop. The man not only cares about the sport but he has access to the enormous amount of capital that IndyCar is going to require. Check out a SMALL part of his massive collection. He is either going to make IndyCar successful or shed blood

Yeah, I’ve looked for them too. The R8's depreciation is reasonable but those RWD models are steep. The GT-R holds its value so well it’s hard to find one sub $55k. And it looks like Nissan is never going to replace it. Lol.

I’m actually surprised it took them this long to finally add a RWD model to the regular lineup. I know Audi = Quattro but they already built limited-run RWD R8's and they are very much in demand on the used market. Now just bring back the manual with the gated shifter and I’ll shut up.

That’s actually brilliant. I usually just pull in nose first but this would work. At my dealearships we usually rack ‘em so you have to play tetris to get a specific unit out. Thanks.

Loved your story. My first word was ‘fruck' which my parents told me sounded pretty suspect at the time. Lol. I was just trying to say truck... I swear.