
Sturgeon's revelation isn't particular.

"Well, I dunno — I can imagine quite a lot."

it weighs more where it's frozen! or something

which is of course the curse of declining to oversimplify in a world brimming over with emotional knee-jerkoffs (humans).

I suspect that the Latino turnout was more anti-Trump

though i weep for our loss, it was the appropriate redemption.

The Damnedest Thing 12-B: my Presbyterian deacon mother went to watch A Clockwork Orange. twice. and told me the entire plot. when i was 10. i can only assume the free will spiel by the chaplain particularly struck her, but don't recall her emphasizing that much - or otherwise being a commentator on free will.

-1 for setup
+2 for endgame

but which is the [Body Arrangement Tabulator] of Record?

hell, voting at all is a neurological condition.

absolutely, if you can be sure you've reached them through the varnish. (not that i'm in the habit of faulting most people for most of their interpretations of most trivia.)

it's not whether guilt is felt but what is done with the guilt that matters. (but point taken.)

willpower. just sayin'.

that perspective heavily reminds me of Leary/Wilson's theory of Circuits - quick rundown, we all have the first circuit merely to be alive/survive, the second is mostly a sense of territory/competition, the third is using symbols and reasoning, and the fourth is morals and sexual/societal role modeling. past those is

referring to a plural quantity of a specific letter is the only time i enjoy the use of The Spelled-Out Letter (aitches, effs, esses… and i just go to caps if it's confusable like bees, and don't anticipate confusing someone familiar with Anderson's Ys series any time soon…)

absolutely true. coming anecdotally from a statistically overeducated lapsed WASP married to an ESL instructor. i've been a voracious reader since toddlerhood and can recognize/intuit most 'proper' usage as i read, write or listen, but could not for the life of me explain/describe anything much beyond the concepts

i've evolved to a similar point, but can't bring myself to refer to 'irregardless' as generously as you just did.

the singular thing i have against descriptivism is when ink/memory is wasted on an entry for "irregardless".

i'm still most stuck on Absolutely Free & We're Only in it for the Money, but they were my firsts.