

everybody who clutches pearls merely because of its appearance/existence (as distinguished from, e.g., being spitefully screamed at a woman) should be force-fed (or the reading equivalent) Inga Muscio's book. (the title is THAT WORD.)

filtering is a funny thing. i've always assumed i got good at it because dad carelessly dropped a profanity fairly often at his house and mum strictly limited frustrated exclamations to "crikey" and "darn it" at hers.
but i wonder if kids with bi+lingual upbringing (i mean at the level of seamlessly switching from one

wow, i heard it from fellow first-graders after they'd been spanked. montessori…

we could torture its pronunciation - something like "n'GAARdly" - and then only pseudo-literate drama queens would raise a stink.

still - and not a defense - "old enough to know better" is kind of the exact opposite of "nothin' but a number"…

reminded of various idiotic threadjacks (probably entirely among whiteyz) over how "actually" or "properly" black Obama is/was. only intelligent comment in the entire heap was to point out his technical status as minority-among-a-minority who is quite comprehensively, literally, African-American.

…he was the wrong Canuck ta Fuck Wit.

how "surprisingly"? genuinely curious, never been Out East, not trying to pick nits or a fight.

could be an expanded, two-parter rehash of The World Is Not Enough (what a fucking waste of Jonathan Pryce!)

no, he compared them to Leni Riefenstahl and then was compelled to spend yet another column and a half

lol, Miller showed his wacky conservative 'gotta be tough on the evil people' colors years before 9/11.

you had a far more entertaining introduction to the concept. sadly, it was a genuinely whining term of complaint first.

Aw yeah! Rockford Files… Hill Street Blues… CHiPs… MAGNUM

well put. bonus for "anomie" - something i've been imposing on myself since a few turning points in teenhood, and only recently (via Jonathan Haidt in particular) thought of in terms of fluctuations & confusions in society-as-entity-of-sorts…

this touches on why i'm unimpressed by most discussion/claims of (e.g.) "gaydar" - seems that the actual value of such "senses" is for non-heteros living in a hostile/suppressive environment who are essentially forced to be careful who they're intimate (on any level) with. now that i think about it again, there's not

if you can find it in your cold black hearts to forgive the gush: i just want to thank you folks for always being the effervescent antidote to all fuck-i-need-bleach comment sections.combined.

puddinghead healed my babies. puddinghead's vision is strong and true. puddinghead reaches across this great nation and touches us all where it counts. PRAISE PUDDINGHEAD!

well, it's not everybody. some places the sex hangups are dismissed and the only focus is the racial foot-in-mouth. from the first responder to the Atlantic's piece:

unholy shit!