abidabi, THIEF OF JOY

Non-denominational doesn’t rule out evangelical. I’d say it probably makes it more likely. Non-denominational isn’t another name for Unitarian. Everyone I’ve known who has described their church as non-denominational has been evangelical.

One of ex-friends is like this. Whenever something is popular- even if it really deserves to be popular because it is good like Knives Out - she would either “hate it” to be a contrarian or refuse to watch it/engage with it out of stubbornness. But then like 5 years later she would proclaim how amazing said thing was

Her power in the end is in outwitting that old white man’s entire white family. Said family is far more used to wealth and are more formally educated than her.

The inheritance is because she took care of him with no ulterior motives other than to take care of him and everyone else around him was a vulture with the same ulterior motive. 

Same thing. “Evangelical” is a descriptor not a denomination and most of the large non-denominational churches are culturally evangelical, springing from evangelical roots.

Re: Harry. This podcast interview strikes me as honest and cool. What he’s saying all makes a lot of sense, and I am sure therapy helped him. Obviously he is still in a massive position of privilege, etc - but - life ain’t fair. At least he is carving out what will work for him, and they do seem to be avoiding

Same, completely with a big eyeroll when it was confirmed. I don’t even think it’s good snark, it’s just contrarian for contrarian’s sake at this point.

I have never met anyone who didn't like that movie. It was remarkable in the fact that people who generally like wildly different types of movies all liked it. So when I read that, I knew exactly who wrote this. The edgyedgelord hating everything that's popular thing is so over. 

Same! I just, having spent nearly a decade with an alcoholic with my eyes wide open...and the trauma I am still processing years later. To start a relationship with someone who you only knew as sober??!!  How fucking scary would that be?  And with his arsenal of verbal weapons? Mixed with coke and alcohol....I legit

c’mon, research. they met at a wedding held in a church. she met john and anna as wedding guests.

Generally speaking AA encourages folks not make any major life decisions within six months or sobriety. I don’t know the exact timeline, but the fact that he left his wife according to her comment...is not a giving me good vibes.

Agreed. His wife’s statement makes this seem like a sudden, unexpected thing to her, so there is just no way this ends well.  I just hope she doesn’t destroy him. 

This may be unfair but I’m really wary of people who would date someone who JUST got out of rehab. Not making major relationship changes is a pretty standard recovery rule. I don’t think it’s cool to try and broach that when a person is in a vulnerable state. Even if they initiated I feel like it should be a “I like

LoL sometimes I start reading these things without looking at the byline. Then I got to:

“I’ll be honest, I hated the first movie, which was terribly written.”

I feel like “raised Catholic” is the group LEAST likely to attend church as an adult, but I may be biased.

I’m so glad as a society we are reexamining the way women and girls were treated just prior to “Me Too” and wokeism. There’s so much work to do. Courtney’s story and the Free Britney doc really opened my eyes to how much guilt is assigned to young women just for acknowledging their own sexuality (after they were

ehhh ehhhh no. I think being edgy in public is one thing - but private messaging someone to kill themselves? That has been “not cool” for quite a while.

Except that Chrissy would direct message Courtney Stodden, in private, and tell them to kill themself. That is not edgelord, troll humour for the masses. That is private, ghoulish behaviour. And she directed her insults to Stodden for a period of about eighteen months. That is persistent harassment toward an

I find it wild that presumably* the reason Chrissy came after Courtney so hard is because Chrissy found it distasteful and offensive to her “feminist” sensibilities that Courtney rode a sexualized public persona** and juicy tabloid-ready marriage to fame...which is, ahem, EXTREMELY ironic considering Chrissy