abidabi, THIEF OF JOY

Yeah, La Quinta is generally my backup place. The price difference isn’t even such a big thing for me anymore (though it definitely used to be when I was younger and didn’t have the stable income I do now). The bigger thing now is that almost all La Quintas, or at least all of the ones I’ve stayed at, have a more

It actually is often my first choice, at least if I’m on a relatively unplanned road trip with dogs, which happens a few times a year. I like them because the rooms aren’t bad, especially for the price, and they’re almost always super flexible about pets. They’re technically only required to accept 2 pets per room,

This is a totally inappropriate question to ask on this thread, but what horror podcasts do you like? I love Night Vale (though I guess that’s more horror-comedy) and Alice Isn’t Dead, and I listen to a lot of crime and folklore-based podcasts, but I’ve had trouble finding good fictional horror podcasts that are

I was going to say this too. For me it wasn’t product buildup so much as really hard water that left terrible mineral buildup in my hair (which is alluded to in the article). I could never really get a proper rinse that didn’t leave behind residue, and my hair always looked a bit flat and dull. Vinegar rinses totally

Yeah, I’m really particular about my bangs (curly hair + a weird forehead ratio means that both technique and length are really important), and so I do talk about it with people close to me, but I think the closest I’ve come is, “And she cut my bangs perfectly!” when talking about a new stylist. It’s certainly not how

I can back this up as someone who is irrationally terrified of sharks (I know it’s irrational, and I support shark conservation, but I’m still terrified), and also has experience recovering bodies from water. There are a lot of things that can cause limbs to detach, but it would be pretty unusual to find a relatively

Oh, lord, Spanglish. It goes both ways, too. I don’t consider myself bilingual but I grew up in an area with a heavy Spanish influence and a big Spanish-speaking population, and I have a big enough Spanish vocabulary that I have no problem communicating in Spanglish most of the time. We were still taught Castillian

Yeah, I was never a King of Queens fan, but it was popular enough that I’ve caught a decent amount of episodes. I really enjoyed the supporting cast but Kevin James’s character was just such an immature schlub that I was mostly just annoyed whenever he spoke.

Dehydration is an awful way to die, too. He was essentially tortured to death. I don’t care if we’re talking about Ted Bundy. That shit should not be happening in America.

Kitty Genovese’s case is actually a poor example of it, although you’re right that it is widely reported as *the* example. That’s based on some sensationalized reporting at the time, though. In fact, because of the prolonged and spread-out nature of the attack, there were very few witnesses who understood what they

I gathered, I was just trying to joke a bit with the phrasing of my answer.

Oh, don’t worry. They’re not asleep. Anesthesia in large animals, especially prolonged anesthesia, is very dangerous. Most of the time they’re not even sedated.

The “it’s just for broke teens” argument also never made sense to me because, you know, who is going to staff those positions when all the broke teenagers are in school? I’ve been a retail manager in a place staffed mostly by college students, and even *that* was a nightmare to keep everything covered, and we were

Seriously, even people who pursue extreme tattoos tend to avoid their palms and the soles of their feet because that skin does NOT hold tattoos. It’s the worst combination of “I want to be edgy” and “I don’t actually care about what my tats look like.”

No worries, I didn’t take it that way at all. :) I thought your comment was funny.

To be fair, Dick-Read was born in the late 1800s so reality hasn’t meant anything for a long time, at least when it comes to women’s health.

I don’t know the exact roots of that particular modern misconception, but weird ideas about African women’s reproductive health have a long history. Grantly Dick-Read, the white British OB who was one of the first and most vocal advocates of “natural” childbirth, believed that “primitive” (by which he almost certainly

That is incorrect. Impeachment doesn’t change the order of succession. If Trump was impeached and removed from office, Pence would become president. The only way that wouldn’t happen would be if both were impeached and removed at the same time, which is extremely unlikely.

I used to volunteer in a senior center and I got to be pretty close to this one elderly German woman who had immigrated to the US decades before I met her, but was in her late 20s, maybe early 30s during the war. I just worked reception usually but she’d sit and chat with me because I liked hearing her stories and we