abidabi, THIEF OF JOY

That is beautiful.

It depends on the clinic, but no, prenatal services aren’t a big part of Planned Parenthood’s mission. That’s mostly because in most states, low-income pregnant women automatically qualify for Medicaid or similar options, even pre-ACA. For example, at the Planned Parenthood clinic I used to volunteer with, we didn’t

I was going to follow this up with a joke about both cabinets being filled with rats, but that’s an insult to the rodents. After all, actual rats are capable of displaying altruism.

I once opened a cabinet in an old house in an area where hantavirus was common and immediately inhaled a nice puff of dust and then saw a bunch of rodent feces. I spent about a month thinking every ache or chill was a sign I had contracted a life-threatening disease.

If you click through to the Post article, it includes another tweet from Duff Goldman that seem supportive of the bakery. I don’t know much about cake ethics, though. ;)

I didn’t report any of your posts, but your last reply to me tipped your hand as a troll so this will be my last reply to you. Have a good day. :)

We did have fun, thanks! It was a motivational session where we just work on short “baby” problems to get the dogs’ energy up, so these kind of sessions are always a blast.

Sorry to reply to you, but Yurrrr apparently dismissed my replies and I feel responsible for their comment getting traction because I initially brought them out of the grays thinking they had behind-the-scenes information.

They’re all bigger than the black thing on that collar, even the small ones. They’ve still got to have room for batteries and electrical components. But all right, dude. You’re clearly the dog expert here, plus I’ve got to load up my mutts and gear and head off to a training session. I’d rather not have to explain to

Where did I say that dogs need to wear them all the time for the effects to continue? Nowhere, because obviously that’s not true. You’re the one who is asserting that the dog is *currently* wearing a shock collar in the video, so I’m not even sure how that’s relevant.

I also have decades of rescue experience, plus I’m a working K9 handler who often sees them in the field (though I don’t use them on my own dogs) and I’m 100% sure. Watch it again and check out the part where the dog is posed on the open oven door. The camera shows a 360 degree angle and there’s no other buckle. Plus,

It’s a buckle, one of those large, heavy-duty plastic clip ones. A lot of collars designed for outdoor use have them. An actual shock collar (or even GPS collar, at least the one I have for my dogs) is much larger.

How do you know that dog was shocked into doing that? It isn’t wearing a shock collar and there are plenty of other ways to train that.

PETA is actually shady as hell when it comes to euthanizing pets, though. They have an extremely high euthanasia rate despite having the funds to avoid it, and there have been numerous credible reports of them misleading donors and owners who need to surrender an animal about those euthanasia rates. Here’s some

Right? We always had country playing at a place I worked at when it was a big hit, so I would kind of hum along to the chorus but not really listen. Then one day it was really slow so I actually listened to the whole thing and was like WHAT. THE. FUCK.

I personally prefer “How Do You Like Me Now” as an example of what an asshole he is. He sings about harassing a girl who isn’t interested in him in high school and then laughing because he heard gossip that she’s in an unhappy (possibly abusive) marriage while he’s a big country star. I used to like it when I just

Yeah, I feel for them because my first exposure to those laws was pre-internet (or at least pre-widespread-internet) and I found out at tax time that my employer had me classified as an independent contractor and it was right on the line of whether I should be or not though in retrospect I probably shouldn’t have

Yeah, as someone who has run the gamut of being an independent contractor, managing a small business, and being a regular employee, I’m just seeing some ignorant kids who don’t know small business laws. No shit you need a business license if you’re earning money, and yeah, lots of places do have somewhat archaic laws

It isn’t only people who are anti-death penalty who want to make sure people sentenced to death have the right to multiple appeals. I was active in fighting the death penalty in my state, and during that time I spoke to many attorneys, lawmakers, etc. who are pro-death penalty. Almost none of them supported

I agree that it’s immoral, and I think many people lose sight of how deeply flawed it is. Like many aspects of the criminal justice system, it is implemented in a racist way that disproportionately affects black people.