Alex Helm

First of all, I believe everyone who has a story to tell. These stories have been circulating for years.

To be clear, Martin wrote the bulk of Fire and Blood first and they based The World of Ice and Fire on that. That’s not to say they didn’t come up with parts of the history. But those entire passages that are in both books were written by Martin, not these people. 

They made a website back in 1999 for a fantasy novel series with two books in it. These are the kind of people that weird obsessive behavior should be expected from, the real-life inspiration for characters like Comic book Guy.

Racists who are more comfortable with family fucking than race mixing? Well now I’ve seen everything.

Both of the Velaryons and Targaryans were defined by characteristic Valyrian traits. In the show, these traits are taken to be the absurd colours of their hair and their resistance to fire. In the books, it’s their hair and eyes.

Is she wrong? Plenty of Daemon/Rhaenyra, Jon/Dany, even Cersei/Jaime shippers out there. 

Reminder, these aren’t just random bloggers. These are Martin’s personal fact checkers. They see more of his work in progress than his editors and as Martin has gotten and gets older have placed themselves in a position to shape Martin’s work to their whims since he goes to them to keep the continuity straight as he

Remember how they just completely skipped the first major battle from the books by having Tyrion accidentally get knocked out right away?

Not just that, GoT often went to ridiculous lengths to not show the dragons or direwolves any more than necessary. I’d be curious to know how many seconds per show minute of VFX HotD has compared to GoT overall. I’ll gladly take slightly less detailed dragon CGI in exchange for more dragon action overall.

I keep saying that this motherfucker needs to be ignored. Stop talking up his fuckery already!

It does not matter what bloggers or fans say. Until he is shunned by his peers and people he “respects” then we are just blowing hot air.  As long as people want tracks by him, want to wear his clothes, and dap him up at award shows and take pics, it  does not matter. 

I know getting funding for AAA projects is a beast and sometimes you’ve gotta take what you can get, but god almighty I don’t know why any 3rd party developer would work with Take Two or Square Enix at this point. Both of those companies have demonstrated pretty clearly that they only care about their own golden

I’ve never played the game so I’m excited to experience the story for the first time. This has a demographic and while I think there’s an impetus to make it good for people who have played the game and adapt that story, it is also a medium to get the story out to people who haven’t played it.

Anything that even has a whiff of “this might become popular” attracts naysayers by the droves. 

Imma head off the naysayers by saying, fuck yeah. Can’t wait.

Pretty wild stuff. The most surprising thing to me has been just how fucking tenuous a grasp the general gaming public has on the process of making games. I mean my expectations were low, but damn.

It’s not just that. It’s a combination of factors. You should watch the Gamers Nexus video, he goes over a lot of it.

I’m not even sure what you’re being a prude about. It is quite common for viewers and commentators to reduce show and movie titles to acronyms based upon their titles when other abbreviations and shortcuts won’t work. Game of Thrones was regularly reduced to “GOT” or “GoT” in the same way that Lord of the Rings is

GoT is great, but it doesn't really scratch the same itch as either type of AC

Awesome, I'll go ahead and download it on my Xbox...