Alex Helm

It is jarring to think that someone who grew up as a foster care and was also a victim of child abuse would be anywhere near child abuse allegations”

They should scrap all the rest of them while they’re at it.

Net Worth after a Google Search 1.3 - 1.6 Billion. No one can deny the man didn’t work his ass off. But, he took his early success as an artist and invested that money in music production, clothing lines, alcohol brands and even a venture capital firm - whose whole purpose is to invest capital.  What he has

There’s been no evidence shown they had a sexual relationship.

I got into this episode more than the first one. It was refreshing for this type of show to eschew action and violence and tell a character-based story. Sure, you could say they didn’t do anything new with the story and dialogue, but I was involved because of the actors, especially Paddy Considine, and the breakout

Also trying to get someone's hair to be white by bleach can seriously damage your hair.

Agreed - I didn’t think there was anything hidden in the setup between Daemon and his niece. The gift scene was uncomfortable all on its own, and they were eyeing each other in every scene they were in together. 

Aegon saw absolute darkness riding in those winds and what was in it would destroy the world of the living. When this great winter comes, all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne.’

Dany rode in from the north on her dragon and her quest

I thought it was clear, but based on a lot of the commentary I’ve seen, apparently it wasn’t. For whatever reason folks wants to paint Viserys as the villain who chose his son over his wife because having a heir to the throne is the be-all end-all of ruling. 

That is hardly a spoiler.  Jesus.

I mean it’s a dead giveaway that there’s going to be incest between them (distracted during sex/lingering touching during the giving her the necklace)... and Smith is the male lead of the show.... paddy considine isn’t the lead, he’s gotta die for their to be a dance. Didn’t really give away the farm with anything I

Did you not watch the show? They explicitly say they’ve tried to reposition the baby multiple times to no avail. And, yes, the understanding of a breech birth was known long before a safe C-section technology, and they were also nearly invariably fatal. The only recourse was trying to physically push the baby into a

Huh? You do know this recap is totally wrong, right? Viserys choice wasn’t between Aemma and the child. It was that they both die, or maybe we can save the baby.

Matt Smith nominally is the male lead of the show. He has many miles to go and nieces to bed before he sleeps.

Sigh. They have white hair, not blonde. Lannisters are blonde. Not a lot of people out there under the age of 60 with white hair, let alone gen x-ers and zoomers.

“The grand maester tells Viserys it’s a breach birth, meaning the king must decide whether to save either the life of his child or his wife, but not both”

What were you watching? The Viserys had a choice to lose them both or just his wife, he didn’t have to choose one or the other, he made a choice almost anyone would make (as painful as it is).

Couldn’t help but snigger when Viserys told the wee Rhaenyra about Aegon’s prophecy, and how literally none of it matters because defeating the entire frozen army of the dead ends up being super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Game of Thrones is the most watched show ever. It’s not inflation or whatever, it’s simply the most popular show in existence.

I think reading Star Wars books have desensitized me to the lack of progress in a given universe. Star Wars literally goes thousands of years with no real advances in the tech used. It bothered me at first, but I kind of just went with it after a bit. Where do you go after you can travel faster than light?