Computer games is where I need this the most. Steam sales, Amazon sales, Humble Bundles, etc. I’ve ended up buying lots of games I was vaguely interested in but have never ended up playing because they were “such a good deal”.
Computer games is where I need this the most. Steam sales, Amazon sales, Humble Bundles, etc. I’ve ended up buying lots of games I was vaguely interested in but have never ended up playing because they were “such a good deal”.
Everyone loves a good deal, but on-sale items have a way of tricking us into spending more than we planned. One way…
I have a list of items that I buy every single week. They are things I can run into the store and pickup, and get out. They are all items that I can mix and match in different dishes. I grab all of them, and if I’m still feeling like shopping I peruse the aisles for new discoveries. Also, use the big club stores for…
Did you fail to read the part about people who need guns for their livelihood?
“Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011.”
Yes make guns illegal. Then the criminals who keep their guns can kill all of us law abiding citizens. Great plan!
Lol. Fuck off.
I fully agree! As soon you add every single other item thats ever been used as a weapon to the list. You know, everything ever made. Automatic life for drunk driving. Automatic life for any drug and driving. Life for negligence and driving. Also, permits, training, and background checks for buying a car or booze. Bet…
Ban all guns. Sure. That’ll stop crime & murder. Good job, good effort.
Yes bans! Because banning recreational drugs was effective, because banning alcohol was effective, because banning abortion was effective, because outlawing rape was effective, because outlawing murder was effective. Now we don't have those problems.
After the success we had doing this with alcohol and drugs, I support this wholeheartedly.
Yeah, and all those amendments that ensure the right to due process, freedom of association, and freedom of speech were also authored by people okay with slavery. Better ban those as well, since they also don’t translate to 2015 America.
That argument always makes me cringe. Who would enforce the ban? And once in place, who would actually abide by the new law? I bet people who pose no danger and are law abiding citizens would turn in their guns, but would gang members, drug dealers, criminals, mentally disturbed and anti-authoritarian individuals be…
How about YOU sign up to be the guy who goes door-to-door, demanding Americans give up the guns in their possession?
Killer plan dude.
My father(a framing carpenter) would always use any piece of scrap of wood that was at hands reach, hold it on top of whatever needed to be tapped and let that take all the damage of a regular hammer.
Which is everything that is wrong with the US military.
I’m with you. Though I don’t think is for people like us who just don’t have random furniture parts strewn about our garage.
Just don’t use a rubber foot that’s too old, they tend to decay and get brittle.
So all we are saying is give P’s a chance.