alex beyer

LITERAL INCITEMENT. That’s a fucking crime you stupid cunts. LITERAL INCITEMENT. Especially since you faggots have a bad history of using violence to get your way. $2 Billion in damages last year since some fucking worthless pieces of shits got killed, RIGHTFULLY SO. Glad those fucks are dead. They fucked around and

Yay, my brother got noticed, weird to see it on this site of all places, but whatever. I’ll take what I can get.

I’m happy there are that many sane grey states, good for the US. Something tells me what this map doesn’t show is that the grey states have a self-policing mindset and trust their people to do the right thing, where the purple views gays as weak people that need the state to step in and defend them.

Technically does, hence why the thug was arrested and the flag waver wasn’t, you liberals are really fucking dumb, and have proven it amazingly after this election. Also how violent you thugs are.

How about cunts that wave the ISIS flag? You defend those faggots? Of course you do you fucking hypocritical pieces of shit. Way to bust up those stereotypes black people, proving you stupid apes can’t be anything but violent in the face of opposition. Congrats, keep proving white people right.

You do know Nazis were socialists, correct? So your people not ours. Also most hate perpetuated in this country was under a liberal flag, not conservative. So wrong on multiple accounts.

Yes and that’s Huffington Post, and Gawker, remember the head of the kinja empire, Gawker got decapitated for being dishonest.

No irony of this showing up on this family of sites, I take it.

Sympathy, is more important. Letting the person vent their vitriol and getting that shit out of the way, then you come in with empathy.

You’re a useless cunt, kill yourself and do the world a fucking favor.

You’re an awful parent and I fear for your child if this is the fucking bullshit he has to deal with in the parenting department. Useless cunt of a mother, should have her kids taken away from her to keep them safe from her delusional machinations. Wouldn’t want another Andrea Yates on our hands since mommy can’t

Hm, still dishonest cunts I see, that seems pretty fucking mild. When will you fuckers at Gawker ever just tell the truth without your retarded editorialisation?

Hm, still dishonest cunts I see, that seems pretty fucking mild. When will you fuckers at Gawker ever just tell the truth without your retarded editorialisation?

Fuck off you ignorant cunt. Jeez you fucking liberal retards just need something to feel victimized over. Sorry he’s going to keep out the rapey Syrian Refugees since they’re so for women’s rights, just look at Europe. Fucking hell the ignorance on these sites is amazing. They just hire the dumbest cunts ever.

Fuck off you ignorant cunt. Jeez you fucking liberal retards just need something to feel victimized over. Sorry he’s going to keep out the rapey Syrian Refugees since they’re so for women’s rights, just look at Europe. Fucking hell the ignorance on these sites is amazing. They just hire the dumbest cunts ever.

Fuck off you ignorant cunt. Jeez you fucking liberal retards just need something to feel victimized over. Sorry he’s going to keep out the rapey Syrian Refugees since they’re so for women’s rights, just look at Europe. Fucking hell the ignorance on these sites is amazing. They just hire the dumbest cunts ever.

Fuck off you ignorant cunt. Jeez you fucking liberal retards just need something to feel victimized over. Sorry he’s going to keep out the rapey Syrian Refugees since they’re so for women’s rights, just look at Europe. Fucking hell the ignorance on these sites is amazing. They just hire the dumbest cunts ever.

Fuck off you ignorant cunt. Jeez you fucking liberal retards just need something to feel victimized over. Sorry he’s going to keep out the rapey Syrian Refugees since they’re so for women’s rights, just look at Europe. Fucking hell the ignorance on these sites is amazing. They just hire the dumbest cunts ever.

Fuck off you ignorant cunt. Jeez you fucking liberal retards just need something to feel victimized over. Sorry he’s going to keep out the rapey Syrian Refugees since they’re so for women’s rights, just look at Europe. Fucking hell the ignorance on these sites is amazing. They just hire the dumbest cunts ever.

Fuck off you ignorant cunt. Jeez you fucking liberal retards just need something to feel victimized over. Sorry he’s going to keep out the rapey Syrian Refugees since they’re so for women’s rights, just look at Europe. Fucking hell the ignorance on these sites is amazing. They just hire the dumbest cunts ever.