alex beyer

So how do you use a standing stall? The bands are too aggressive to keep in place and then they cut off the flow, so yeah a fly is still very nice to use. At home I totally just sit since it’s fucking comfortable. I don’t trust US public seats to my ass unless it’s an extreme emergency.

So how do you use a standing stall? The bands are too aggressive to keep in place and then they cut off the flow, so

Hanes XTemp brand is pretty amazing, don’t get the knitted version, especially if you have hairy thighs since the knits tend to snag and pull out all your hair at once, really fucking annoying.

Hanes XTemp brand is pretty amazing, don’t get the knitted version, especially if you have hairy thighs since the

Yeah you do, at home, maybe not, but if you’re out in public, that lack of flap is really fucking annoying.

Yeah you do, at home, maybe not, but if you’re out in public, that lack of flap is really fucking annoying.

Gross, no, and never fucking together, lol. I would never shower with my pet raccoon. But the hose on a detachable one would be long enough to get to him, and once he hits that magical year mark, it will be impossible to wash him in the sink.

Gross, no, and never fucking together, lol. I would never shower with my pet raccoon. But the hose on a detachable

I got a waterpick low flow full headed shower head that has a great mist feature that's just amazing from walmart for about $15. Though I now want a detachable one for me and my raccoon.

I got a waterpick low flow full headed shower head that has a great mist feature that's just amazing from walmart

What's the purpose? Not criticising, genuinely curious, the detachable makes sense, but the "grounded" one doesn't. Do you just have it constantly pointed at your genitals?

What's the purpose? Not criticising, genuinely curious, the detachable makes sense, but the "grounded" one doesn't.

While I won’t argue, nor can’t since i haven’t tested these uses, that makes sense. Though, still not practical for what the article is covering (berry picking). Maybe if you’re training to be a karate master in an 80s movie.

Are you going to bring that to a farm stand?

So, I’m assuming it’s the acid here at work. Following that logic thread, could you technically use any high-acid cleaner, like vinegar? Also what’s with the weird missing letters in front of words with “i” as its second letter like “ixing” and “ind”? Only reason I suggest vinegar, since it’s cheaper.

Hate the band on these, nothing rolls more than this does.

Hate the band on these, nothing rolls more than this does.

Yup, I feel the same way about 2.5D games, I really hate 2.5D games.

Well I hope those channels went on a 5 hr apology tour for airing that smut, I shouldn’t have to be exposed to that kind of language. My ears are not trash cans. How could they allow this over the air waves? How could we allow a human being to have a real moment on Television that doesn’t conform to our strict

They’re dead.

I’ve played around with this idea, it works well. If you want nice tiny magnets, go to staples buy their 3 or 4 dollar 10 pack of mini colored push pin magnets (they’ve got a neodymium core), and then use acetone to eat away at the plastic and retrieve the magnets when done. I used nail polish remover acetone since

It had as much chance as the Yates kids, what a shame.

See there needs to be the same/similar "scarlet letter" program for these types of assholes as there are for sex offenders, once you get on that registry, you can't get off of it. Stalkers, prank callers like these, those that threaten to kill celebrities or other people (real cyberbullies, not someone who calls

Totally agree, there should be a similar scarlet letter program for these assholes as there are for sex offenders.

It reminds me of Stephen Baldwin, circa Usual Suspects.

"Next I'm going to tell your children how the Easter bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa aren't real either".
Though, I'm highly impressed with how coherent and well spoken he is. Also find it ironic that they use the Ultimate Warrior's mask as the trophy(?), wasn't he a crazy right wing bigot? I forget that most of the main