alex beyer

He was probably being drunk and belligerent after being suspended from games, and followed this man to his car. He sized up the situation in his drunken haze and decided the girl would be the easier target and decided to deck her. Given the assailant's age (44), he still has a strong chivalrous code that he adheres

Good for Whitcomb, the guy was a douche, he went after the woman since he knew it was the easier target, though what he didn't account for was how protective Whitcomb would be.

See that's how you know he's legit about his love of cars, they're not like the shitty US version who's all gimmicky and awful and you can tell someone's writing everything down for them to regurgitate. If the UK version is doing that too, then it's a lot harder to tell, since there seems to be a natural chemistry

True, I think your car was an easy mark, if the car itself looks old and "ratty" then it is just asking for it to be broken into. Mine is nearing its 10yr mark, but body-wise (I'm reluctantly taking your suggestion Google, but that feels like the wrong use, you know what google fuck you, we're ignoring you again) it

I use trash as a deterrent, so say I go into walmart and leave my nice Note Pro in the car, throw some of my McDonald's stuff over it and the local rag, and it just looks like a messy car. I usually never keep money in my car as for documents and ids There's a place in my car that has a rubber matt in its alcove and I

That doesn't work for everyone, when I was younger my parents tried to get me to go along with play therapy. I never had imaginary friends (or real ones for that matter) as a child, and hated playing pretend, since I knew it was pretend. If I know it's fake and there isn't any benefit for going along with the

I hate his voice, love the content, but the voice is too grating to overcome.

I think you need to stop assuming. It's not a hatred for women you dumb cunt. It's a hatred for narcissistic cunts, regardless of gender. Especially narcissistic assholes who fuck up other peoples lives due to their gross entitlement. It just happens that women are more guilty of it than men, since men usually have

It needs more head lights.

Do you pay extra for the duct tape?

Um, no, why would I join an organization with a high chance of dying for a cause I couldn't give two shits about. That Freedom schtick is cute and all, but we all know it's a farce (to an extent). Also why would I want to be someone's bitch for equally shitty money? As for have I been in a war, yes. I survived the

No, she's a narcisstic cunt, and he's a pussy. The former type won't change until she stops getting her way and starts being treated like the piece of shit that she is. Having a mother that sounds similar to this guy's wife, I know what it's like. I know how to deal with it. Plus it's always fun when you get to call

The Sad One.

Wow way to be a cunt, as someone with autism, way to call us monsters. Maybe your son wouldn't be so shitty if you were a better parent.

"FEEL THE POWER OF NEXT GEN!!!"-ganondorf-like summon

This has a toy model feel to it that I can't stop loving. I just wish I had the money for a PC that could even attempt this game, even though it doesn't seem demanding, my PC is just too old for it. I'm looking, and waiting for USB C to take off and get a pc like the Chromebook Pixel (only in build not OS) that mixes

Yet FBI have warned and encouraged news stations to not cover school shootings with the amount of fervour that they do for that very reason. Something tells me Shemp came after that, news anchors are sick fucks that exploit the weak for ratings just to cause more shit since they can't accept the world as being as

That's ironically the same thing he says when he's cumming and in that tone.

It's up there with, "Oo that looked like it hurt" after someone gets injured. Or the "We don't condone what that person said, and it's not a reflection of us or our parent company", in response to a celebrity acting "crazy".

Holy shit you're right, what the fuck are the two wearing in the first clip. The guy looks like he raided his father's closet for a suit and his father just happens to be 4 sizes larger than him. The girl looks like she wanted to dress up as her favorite childhood doll.