alex beyer

It reminds me of one of my favorite Vlad the impaler stories. This silly man decided to round up all the peasants of his village and hold a giant banquet for them with all the trimmings. Then locking them in the dining hall and barring all the exits, he funnily asks his men to draw their bows after igniting them and

Isn't it as easy as "don't be a dick", treat the driver with respect? It really shouldn't be that hard to maintain a decent rating as a passenger.

As someone who should use this, I never will since I've worked retail enough (especially drug stores and grocery stores) and remember how much I hated coupon people.

why wouldn't you use a steel bowl?

That's the one I have, but in black. I too paid about that much, luckily though WOW wasn't terrible with their $5/month rental fees. Comcast was hitting me up for $15.

That's the one I have, but in black. I too paid about that much, luckily though WOW wasn't terrible with their

there is already a term that uses the word "douche" in a derogatory manner, so you don't have to come up with a dumb one. Also what the fuck does your post even mean? I'm still very much here. Arguing with ignorant children won't get me anywhere.

Mike Karlson sounds like a bitch, yeah it was a shitty thing for the guy to say, but compared to the others, his is laughable. Also what makes that a "Republican" thing to say? For someone with a BS in Neuroscience, the best insult he could come up with was "Dickwalruses"? That sounds like some shit I would have come

Especially when it could be a substance he's never accounted before in his life, they aren't psychic or sadists. So how would he know not to use something if he doesn't know how it would react to his body. Just assume everything is bad and go into an operation pain and anesthesia free? That's a huge risk since the

Has it always looked so cartoonishly fake?

I love this stuff. Speed runs that take advantage of glitches like the LOTZ OT where the guy beats the game as child link.

I should forward this to my mom, since she babysits old people for 3 hrs a day as a bridge director (the card game). Every time she comes home, she never stops fucking bitching about how hard she worked that day, and how she should be looked at as a saint because she's a narcissist.

Don't be, she still is one. I found that not being biologically related that I don't have that weird need to defend my parents honor even in the face of truth and rational objection. My siblings still defend their parents. I came to that theory because of them, since my brother and sister were their biological

She sounds like my parents, constantly throwing money at professionals to try to "fix" me without asking me what the problem was and trying to fix it themselves, since they couldn't be the culprits, could they? I was a Romanian-born adoptee, who they tried to control through heavy and consistent psychological and

Wait are you telling my story? I got adopted from Romania when I was 3, into a moderately wealthy upper-middle class family. The first 2 years were great, then the novelty was wearing off for them. My mother decided to tell me rather bluntly that I wasn't actually part of their family and I was adopted, but that they

The moment your new baby comes into your arms, a whole new set of emotions rushes in—pride, joy, wonderment, fear, and, yes, guilt. Because everything you do or don't do as a guardian of this child is all your fault forevermore.

Only issue with this is having to clean the fan assembly too, if only they had something for round rotating fans.

The PSP was and is one of the best portable emulators you could buy.

Nintendo is the Apple of the gaming world, except they get away with it by making their shit cheap, instead of putting out cheap shit and charging a fortune.

Is your avatar Ryan Davis?

It's really principle of the matter that's so disconcerting. This is like ordering a meal in a restaurant and then being told there's a surcharge if you need eating utensils. Nintendo shouldn't be making the decision of what I don't need and be considerate enough to think, hey, maybe this customer will need a plug to