
Aliens, uh, find a way.

If a game has multiple endings (based on different in-game actions - AKA Dishonored) I hate to admit it, but after I beat it my way, I usually just watch the alternate endings on Youtube.

And nothing but the tooth.

So, um...fake cars in advertising. Dumb.

Don’t forget playing Tecmo Super Bowl. The zig-zag is my go-to move.

Very cool. Work/play.

‘Splain to me this. I’m looking at this thing, the materials, and what (probably) goes into making it, and I think the $5,500 includes a ton of markup.

“Bring me the tub of raw chicken, four gallons of mayonnaise, and the jackhammer!”

Newest note in my phone:

No idea why, but I’m so incredibly fascinated with anything medieval. I feel such a strange sense of (unexplainable) nostalgia towards it.

Big smile as I saw this shot in the video.

I agree about the music.

That’s an image of removing the shade. This is how it looks in place.

How do we make your comment appear as the actual article and the article appear as some ill-informed comment below?

You sir/ma’am, have a creative mind.

The “Theon Greyjoy.”

Great idea. And as a bonus, they won’t need to pump water down the slide for lubrication. There will be plenty of vomit to slide around and keep everyone moving.