
I’m sure this is my professional insecurity showing through, but at what point does this “people making stuff for fun and making it available to everyone” thing start to hurt the design-related market?

Why does The Hound’s scarring look so much different? I don’t remember it ever being so “spider-web” like, and I feel like it covers much more of his scalp than it did before.

Interesting. I didn’t realize I had already paused all those “services.”

Not technically a concept, but yet quite novel.

I feel like it’s some king of Pixar car come to life. I like it and I don’t even care.

Nailed it.

Is this what you’re looking for?

What a pleasant way to wake up.

Now all I need is the ClipiMate™. It automatically takes the laundry from the dryer and clips it to the FoldiMate™.

Is there anyone who truly doesn’t see the dangers in advanced artificial intelligence?

That sounds pretty interesting. I think I’ll have to give it a shot.

That baby really is breathtaking.

I guess “hands-off” in comparison to a typical RTS where you’re commanding everything from groups of troops to a single unit.

Thanks for the info. So as far as the turn-based portions go, are they as hands-off as say, Civilization’s turn-based gameplay?

I’ve watched a few gameplay videos and I’m still not entirely sure how this works. I’ve never played any of the Total War games so forgive my ignorance.

BPM acquiring a micra. A micra. A micra. Amicra. Amirca. America.

I see some young Sean Penn. Which doesn’t help his case for being liked in my book.

I want to need one of these pretty badly. $140 is a great price.

I want to need one of these pretty badly. $140 is a great price.