
Only 11 and a half minutes at 2x speed! It’ the only way to watch Youtube!

I keep reading that Arya’s story went “so fast” but for the life of me I was so bored with the “a girl has no name” scenes.

And the raspberries thank you.

Good info, thanks. I was hoping you might be in a climate more similar to mine (Michigan) so I could get an idea of what DD’ing such a vehicle in the winter would entail. That’s my only mental roadblock from pulling the trigger - cold engine starts and exposure to all that GD road salt.

Care to elaborate on your experiences DD’ing your ‘72 Scout II?

You know, I never thought of it that way. In such a high-pressure environment they AREN’T all puffy and droopy and gross.

I’d raise my hand but I’m sure someone is watching.

Jesus HW. Christ how are enough people watching such shitty movies that there’s reason enough to make a second?

I’ve never been a huge Ferrari fanboy but that top gif gets me right in the giblets.

If I can turn my music down for the McDonald’s drive-thru, this guy could surely do the same when having a conversation with a cop.

I’ve had a very positive experience with my Wii U. Traded in the Wii to get one a couple years ago. I’ve played all the Mario games, Mario Party, Mario Kart, Yoshi...and more. My girlfriend gets to play her Wii Harvest Moon and I’ve bought a ton of virtual console games for the sake of nostalgia - Earthbound for

All the secret aliens know what’s up and are leaving. We should all be scared.

You’re implying he doesn’t have hat-hair? That was my single take-away from this video. All kids have dumb long messy mop-like hair.

I bought it when it first came out. The technology was cool - IS cool - but the application was not. Messed around with the 10 or 20 app/demos that were made for it at the time, then put it back in the box and shoved it in a drawer.