
Looking great!

Man, I need to get out more.

I can’t imagine someone actually shelling roasted pumpkin seeds. I think in this case, eating as-is - shell and all - is the correct course of action.

What is this ‘yanny’ or ‘laurel’ nonsense? Not what I hear at all.

I know exactly how this will turn out.

A plumber, who also sometimes works as an electrician or AC tech

This should be out sometime next year I think.

Too bad it’s not on Switch!

Nor affordability.

Won’t work.

Farmer’s viral advertising is leaking into Jalopnik.

Download and add bleeps!


If it doesn’t seem to be working, just blow in the cartridge.

What a weird world we live in.

All animals deserve their privacy.

I look at a screen all day for work and occasionally I’ll realize that I’m not actually focusing clearly on anything that’s on the screen. My focus is always somewhat blurred, like when you’re looking at a magic-eye poster. I can still read everything but my eyes have a hard time focusing completely.

On the other hand, I chose to delete all my Google voice searches after browsing a few months worth of recordings.

Saw my first Model 3 in the wild (Midwest) yesterday. I still really like it and if/when they’re readily available I’ll absolutely consider if for my next vehicle.