
I don't know if it was a glitch on my copy (in the 90's) or I was just doing something wrong, but I could never get passed the "shoot the rats" level.

At my last job my desk was in a very high foot-traffic area. Every single person who walked by and saw something on my screen (new packaging design, new product logo, etc.) stopped to say "OH HEYYY WHADDYA WORKIN' ON?"

How not to be a beer snob: realize most every beer has it's time/place.

Basically. But then again, when is that not the answer??

Haha, yes. I clicked expecting something drastically different. Perhaps including a submarine or something.

Unless you want to see horribly disfigured humans, do not Google image search "uranium screw."

The "Fromunda Cheese Special."

Haha, don't know why, but I love this photo from Yelp.

Examining this sentiment - with the realization that almost everyone feels similarly - I've had many instances where I am unable to comprehend a single person's ability to resist the urge to act out - be it violently, personally, professionally, or internally.

He sure is living the dream.

I tried watching this earlier today. I'm fine with gross things for the most part, but "the juice must be worth the squeeze."

I don't know a lot about the ins-and-outs of Dakar, but could someone compete with a Rally Fighter?

With quite a bit less pretension too.

There was an episode where Tim received an honorary PhD from WMU. They even held the ceremony in Sangren Hall (a set, but still cool)!

Fellow Bronco!

I once had the distinct (and right-place-right-time) pleasure of rock climbing with Yvon Chouinard in Joshua Tree, CA.

Next GTA needs to be set in London - end of discussion!

♪ This shouldn't concern you except that, just don't expect you'll get the US to hack you back ♪