
Upward trending (almost) every season! WTF, Nickelodeon??

Doesn't mind taking it on the face either.

Yeah, I was talking specifically about the DLC - sorry for the lack of clarification!

Oh hell yes I do.

How is this possible? Sounds can't SOUND different to people who speak different languages!

I was thinking about buying this.

I think most of us would, but they weren't driving. They were just passively riding along.

The crackle makes my heart skip.

A while back when I was taking EMT training courses, when tasked with observing the "ABC's" (Airway, Breathing, Circulation), our instructor always told us that children are "belly breathers" and adults are "chest breathers."

Is this anything like Wuphf?

I don't even really like Fallon, but that was great.

Side note: the last one always reminded me of a howling Sharky from "Eek the Cat."

Damnit. You beat me to it.

Everything is dicks and vaginas.


Good Lord....they weren't joking!

Zombie hand model?

I was at a sushi restaurant the other day (with a sushi conveyor belt) and kept wondering if there was a way to determine how long a particular dish had been on the conveyor.

It's probably just the overbearingly pervasive sensationalized news that makes me feel like everyone is one handgun and one cross word away from shooting up innocent people.

Loved that show! I think it was either preceded or followed by the show "Next Step."