@Brookespeed: QT is a pretty decent environment. The Linux desktop environment KDE is powered by QT. The most notable aspect of QT is that it's cross-platform and skinable, so it's can look/feel like a native app.
@Brookespeed: QT is a pretty decent environment. The Linux desktop environment KDE is powered by QT. The most notable aspect of QT is that it's cross-platform and skinable, so it's can look/feel like a native app.
@bdubs33: I think the issue Apple runs into is that since they take 30% of the sale, they are considered the publishers of the software. As such, they are probably legally responsible for things said software does. And if not legally, any software that is Apple-sanctioned will still reflect poorly on the company.
@walkingagh: At least with iPhoto, as demonstrated in the webcast, you will select the photos, hit a button, and then a email pop-up will be displayed.
@Matt da brat on da wheels of steel: Yeah, I was convinced that he was going to announce a Mac tablet. I guess they'd argue the iPad is exactly that, but it's a bit limiting what iOS can run, and it sorely needs stylus input (I can appreciate the lack of a stylus for the iPhone, but it's actually quite useful for a…
Between the talk of the ergonomics of touching the screen and what would happen if a macbook and an ipad got in, I was so sure they were going to announce a real-life Mac tablet. Oh well. On the plus side I couldn't afford one right now, so I'd only be envious.
@RoboticSpacePenguin: I'm curious as to how it works with guitar. Can it work with a MIDI guitar?
It's weird that they're playing up Microsoft Office since Apple has its own office offering. Does this mean that they see themselves competing in different areas? Granted, Apple's Pages isn't nearly as feature-full, but don't they aspire to be? Or is it always going to be slated as the poor man's alternative?
Anyone want to take bets on whether there's going to be any major library updates?
@AlexJAnder: I ha almost the exact same experience/solution. The zip lock bags seemed a little wasteful, but not having tangled cords is priceless.
@vsound: Definitely not a musician, though I really enjoy music. I decided to learn to take up guitar when I was in grad school.
@vsound: I think for many people starting to play guitar is hard and not always fun. I remember when I first got a guitar it took me a few days just to play a few chords.
@vsound: Well, in theory if you play this game enough, you will build your calluses up. The genius of this approach is that you can get away with sounding crappy at first, because the game is creating the sound, and then when you get good enough at the game, you will have: (a) said calluses, and (b) some skill.
The Hipster culture borrows iconic material from other cultures, but then strips it of all its value. For example, a Hipster might wear cowboy boots, but with the subtext that it is an acceptable piece of clothing only because there is an attached humor in wearing/owning them.
@MisterOkapi: Hmm.. Mythbusters showed that wearing an eye patch solves that problem. It would be awesome if the US navy started wearing eye patches.
@Hatem Sabry: I'm normally not that picky about spelling, but for some reason seeing 'rediculous' and 'neurosurgeon' in the same post scares me.
@DirtyDogg: While I agree that Ping in its current state isn't really that interesting/useful, I don't agree that means it's poorly implemented.
@usedtowork: Except that Apple seems to really like their small footprint on the Macbooks. Also, anyone know if they solve any other problems such as needing two cables for a large monitor?
Wow. Don't get me wrong .. the animations look cool, but that interface looks completely unusable.
I used to use Parallels, but they don't support Linux that well. Every time a new version of Ubuntu came out, it stopped working. The update to get Ubuntu working always took a long time, and sometimes an additional $50 to get the next version.
@Dogen: I don't think we're disagreeing then, because I never claimed LTP isn't part of memory formation. My only claim what that I didn't believe it was the one core ingredient to all memory formation — which plenty of people *do* claim. My point with Abbott (whose work I'm referring to, btw, is closer to 2005)…