
@rebeldevil: Actually, if you're talking about survival of the species, it does not make sense for all members of the species to reproduce. Raising children is both time-consuming and requires a lot of energy. This task can be greatly helped by non-reproducing members of the society.

@Zanzan42: Exactly. Nurture does play a role, only not in the form of 'mother doted on her son too much', or 'he turned out to be gay, just like his father'.

Wow.. that's impressive!

@badasscat: I know nothing about the TV world, but it always seemed in the end a big problem that the companies that produced the shows also aired them (I understand it's actually more complicated than that, but I think it's an okay simplification...).

@DenDenMC: I'm not sure what you mean by conservative connotations, but it sounds like you are admitting a bias.

@wætherman: I was going to get around to installing their app, but remembered hearing that it didn't have the full content. Maybe I'm wrong?

@thetickler: Huh, go figure a stereotype doesn't turn out to be actually true. But I guess this works out well to my favor, since if the Daily does well, it could mean an influx of more digital content.

As many people have written already, I have no wish to read any News corp. propaganda.

@SixThirty: Or you can do the '28 days' and do rehab instead.

@brianbeatdown: I'll have to try that. I do usually use the mobile version, so I don't have that option. I swear I've tried doing something like that from the web browser too, but maybe I didn't look hard enough.

I actually buy most of the music I want to listen to. The problem is that I hate trying to make playlists, and the Genius function only seems to make the same play list with small random variations.

@Helvetica: It's a round piece of bread that is often served as an appetizer in restaurants.

@Helvetica: I'd like to highlight the poor taste of your puns. What Times we live in, when someone can simply insert any font name to capitalize on bad humor. While subtle, a cursory glance might even cause one to pass by on the selection of words, it underlines the troubling Times when any 'Comic' can slap together

@bjmckenna: I think there is an important difference between blogs such as Gizmodo and proper magazines such as Wired. While blogs can give updates at a much higher frequency than magazines, that also means they have a lot less time for fact checking, investigation, and editing the stories.

My understanding was that they were still trying to figure out their price point. The cost per magazine is relatively high because they were hoping that people would value a digital version over the paper version.

@JaCooP: I guess my point is that I don't think there is any public discourse. I think they've effectively seen to ending it.

@JaCooP: I think 'communist' and 'socialist' are in fact often used as a means of insult. The number of times I've heard Obama called a communist are numerous, and without any real meaning behind it.

@salaczar: (1) As a Bostonian I take great umbrage at the mis-appropriation of the term. The tea-party was about taxation without representation. The teabaggers, have more representation than many of the real disenfranchised in America (the poor, the women, the non-caucasions). They get to be ridiculed for not only