
@Dogen: If by deep in the field, you mean LTP research you are correct, though I do have a PhD in neuroscience. The phrase 'shocking the crap out of an animal' was meant as a joke — though, I have a friend who worked in Kandel's lab and have been told the shock to the Aplysia was relatively strong.

@karan10489: There were two parts to Richard Feynman's writing I really like. The first was his critique of science in general. For example, one story he told how the weight of a particular atom kept changing over time. It (obviously) wasn't the atom itself that was changing weight, but rather the fact that no

@Dogen: There's even a greater question of whether those are indeed memories we're studying. Last I looked at that type of material, we know those chemical cascades are critical for LTP (long term potentiation), but not much more. More so, most of the work (at least that I've seen) is done with 'emotional memory',

When I read the previous post about Kurzweil, as someone who comes from the world of Neural Science, I wanted to write something in protest too. I didn't, in part because my comments are often relegated to the obscure gray. It also just gets tiring every time someone writes that we understand the brain.

@Kerensky97: Probably not, because it's all about UI. I used to be a Linux fanboy, I gave up waiting for a decent GUI toolkit. I've used everything from: GTK+, QT, WxWidgets, Tk, etc. Cocoa now has my fan boyishm (and yes, I tried GNUStep).

@mattjones16: Alan Greenspan was a huge Ayn Rand fan. He based his policies on her school of thought. After the economy fell he famously admitted he found "a flaw" in his ideology.

My first inclination is to call complete BS on this. It seems extremely un-Apple like to put something that is *worse* than the AppleTV. It's unclear what this supposed next generation would provide. Apps? If they really wanted to do that, the current AppleTV is just a stripped down Mac Mini, so would be doable.

@CrazySuperFellow: They caught him before he went on a crime splurge? Either way, the crime is rather hard to swallow, considering the length Weiner went to to get revenge. Well, I bet he's feeling blue now.

I'm confused. WebKit, as in the branch of Konqueror that Apple made for use in Safari?

The only option Apple really has to fix this hardware-wise would be to cover the antenna. If they used metal, you would lose reception. If they used plastic/rubber, it's essentially the same as putting a case on it.

Overall, I think I prefer having this problem with the antenna on the outside than keeping it internal. It's easy to fix the problem, and half the time I talk on the phone I use the headphones anyways.

Far higher than expected!? But it has a RETINA display. Come on, people *need* this!

@Kevin Hulett: Amen. I checked off the first, but it took me over an hour to finally order mine. I was tempted to just try again later in the day, but glad I persevered.

I added one to my cart, but that's when my luck ran out. I tried going through AT&T, but got an error when it came to upgrading my phone.