
There are plenty of people who identify as biracial, mixed, mestizo, Creole etc. in the States. But descendants of American slavery have a common culture and history that people across West Africa do not. As racial minorities in the U.S., there are advantages to organizing under the “Black” umbrella for political and

Must be fun over there in 1999. We left “all women just need to support each other” feminism behind for good reason. Flattening women’s issues into a fantasy sisterhood leaves many people out. Can anyone point out to me where Beetz was blamed? This article is about casting decisions, which you are absolutely correct,

All of this. The audience here can’t understand the points raised, so they are choosing to be righteously angry they were asked to even think about it. 

You can chose to hyphen just the first last name they gave you. That takes the decision off your hands and puts it in their hands again. Problem solved.

Not like she has any other options. No education, four (?) kids to take care of, and all the parents (sources of money) won’t let her leave him. I’m not going to call her silly for not having the tools to escape the life they brainwashed her for.

I think it's the former, he can't feel for anyone but himself.

By “take some responsibility” I mean that some punishment was inflicted upon them for the acts they have done—not to imply that they were actually doing something of their own volition. I am 100% sure that it demonstrates their ability to feel only when it directly impacts them.

Seeing people who have callously committed horrific acts on other people start to cry when forced to take (some) responsibility for their conduct always makes me hate them even more.

seems pretty clear this guy is as much an asshole as she is. pretty likely he hit her. we live in a society where hitting a (typically much) smaller woman is not acceptable.

I would suggest his (and hers) is not the hill to die on, no matter your cause.

I hate every single part of this story (fwiw, my initial guess is that they’re both mostly telling the truth — they’re both self-hating garbage — and he’s a fucking abuser).

This account describes them each being physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive of the other. Not sure this is the right person to give dating advice.

This. I would give my left nut for all the shit this kid got out of being questioned by the police for a few hours. He’s been rewarded enough already.

I don’t. It’s an exorbitant amount. He should get something a bit more proportionate to the suffering he has experienced.

he won’t, and now the kid looks like a money-grubbing asshat.

Thank you!!! I think its so dangerous to advocate non-disclosure due to undetectable viral load. I want to be given the choice to co-sign letting someone who was diagnosed with HIV get it in. At the very least so I can be proactive about my own health (getting tested more often, etc)

Yes THANK YOU. Pretending this is simply about the fact that he has HIV is ridiculous. It’s the insane lying and subterfuge. He didn’t HAVE to pay off anyone to keep it a secret, he chose to. And his woe-is-me “that’s money taken from my children” bullshit is infuriating. The money he blew up nose and spent on sex

Sheen is still a complete asshole for not telling his partners that he was infected with an STD. I can’t disassociate that from Charlie Sheen. He is no Angel here. I don’t understand why Gawker media is glossing over this.

If I knowingly have sex while carrying an STD and don’t know tell my partner I am a complete