
I understand Sheen not wanting to have any more children—retarded or otherwise—after learning his HIV status. I don’t understand Brett’s decision to continue to have sex with someone who didn’t disclose that they were HIV positive beforehand.

I know that feeling, Ms. Parker. My daughter’s father married someone else Valentine’s Day weekend when I was 7 months pregnant. The pain was agonizing but I did eventually heal.

I got precum pregnant. It is a bummer.

I wish Nikki would dump this joker already. He’s riding her coattails just like her ex.

We’re trying to weed out the riff raff. Unfortunately men just ignore you and try to hook up anyways.

“...to meet a man she’ll inevitably become disgusted with and go on a few dates with only to become FWB and then dump altogether.” True story: I just went through this. Well, atleast Im not the only one.

Her helper dude was hot. I hope theyre fucking and not just friends.

I dont think they should be arrested but Im not opposed to a fine. All noise blocks out the names of other students who are graduating, thats why they say wait until the end to applause and cheer.

Im failing to see how the quickie wedding ruined the sisters’ wedding. If anything, quickie wedding just made the wedding that took a year to plan look even better by comparison.

I thought the tower would be a good lookout point, considering that Ramsey knew Stannis’ army was going to head to Winterfell to do battle. I got the impression Ramsey was there to be lookout and Theon didn't know, hence his face fell when he saw Ramsey just sitting there when he opened the door. But basically, this

What would have been wrong with getting another black island girl? Im sure Rihanna isnt the only one. FWIW, i liked RiRis voice in the movie.

Kim wants them to be like Beyonce and Jay so bad. Now Kim is doing Beys trick: posting old, never before seen pics to get more mileage out of an old event. (I like these pics, btw.)

If what she is alleging actually happened—whether he ever gets prosecuted or not, which, at this point he wont be—then she has the right to talk about it as long as she likes. If an alleged rapist is never prosecuted that doesnt mean alleged victims have to shut up.

If shes been a stay-at-home Mom then she deserves some alimony after the divorce, really. Id say the same thing if we were talking about a stay-at-home Dad. If you give up your current earnings and potential future raises in order to support your spouse and family then a portion of your spouses’ future earnings should

I feel like all the Tidal exclusive videos look cheap. Beyonce at a piano playing 3 different chords being taped by Jay-Z, Beyonce on a layover between vacation at Coachella and her moms’s wedding so she shot a video with Nicki.

Welfare recipients should only be allowed to manna from heaven, according to Republicans.

Your average rapper hates women, black women in particular. And your average rapper is a black man. All you have to do is compare the rape stats and other violent crime stats of black women to white women or other races/ethnicities of women (excluding Native women) to see that no, black male rappers are not joking

The interesting part is that the reason this stuff is coming from black entertainers as opposed to black small business owners is that entertainment is one of areas in which black people have been given more room to excel than other spheres of activity. A black person shucking and jiving, singing and acting, has

Im rooting for Sansa to kill Myranda with her bare hands before the season is over.