
That contradicts nothing that I said. I never said gender non-conformity is a disorder. Also, changing the name doesnt change the status of the condition; its still a disorder.

You're right. It's up to the mental mental health professionals. And currently, my opinion is supported by the medical establishment. Gender identity disorder/gender dysphoria is classified as a medical disorder.

A woman is an adult female. A female human has two X chromosomes; a male human has an X and Y chromosome. Breasts, menstruation, the reproductive organs, etc...all of that comes about as a result of having two X chromosomes through the process of sex differentiation. No, a woman is not defined by her reproductive

A person with a penis and testicles is not a woman. A person with a penis and testicles can PASS as a woman (their gender is female) or either the person is intersex (they are not clearly biologically discernible as a man or a woman).

I can call transgenderism whatever I like. Btw, do I get to become a butterfly after I've been a fetid insect? Do you also believe water can be made into wine? Or is the only leap of faith you make is that biological males can be made into women? Just asking.

I’m not being malevolent, I see transgenderism as a mental illness that is/can be treated by therapy/counseling, hormones, and SRS—sometimes all three, but I think that all transgender people should ATLEAST get some counseling. “Treatment” does NOT mean they have to stop seeing themselves as being born in the wrong

That's not the same question. Presumably, people who have the option of a big urban school or going to school in the boondocks will choose which environment they feel more comfortable in. But big urban schools and tiny liberal arts colleges don't sit right next to each other.

Which kinda supports my point that there really is no longer a need for a women’s college.If men can attend classes and now they can officially enroll, how soon before they quit playing and just say they are coed? It may take Smith a good long while to get to that point but it's only a matter of time.

Mentally ill men can now attend women's colleges! Yeah! Progress!

I doubt it. What’s the need for a women’s college if biological males who have had no sex reassignment surgery can attend the same college? Just go to a coed college and call it a day.

Smith is doomed. This marks the beginning of its end as a women's college.

Ha! I had the exact same thought about that pantsuit before reading. As soon as I saw it I was like " I NEED that pantsuit for my city hall wedding!"

Ditto. At all of my Sephora classes the stylists have always said not doing your eyebrows is the equivalent of putting up a picture with no frame. The frame instantly takes the beauty of the picture up a notch.

I wish i would have had a chance to attend before the festival ended. ( I wo t be able to go this last year.) I respect the fact that Ms. Vogel chose to end the festival on her own terms, keeping the true intent of the festival intact, rather than allow fest to turn into something other than intended.

You think she has more of a chance to effect change there by being in the committees?

I actually hope a male Democrat comes out and beats Hillary in the primaries, then Elizabeth Warren can be Vice-President. Hillary and Elizabeth cant be on the same ticket because a two woman ticket cant win.

I hate when people list being a first lady as some sort of qualification. Great, you were smart enought to marry a powerful and now youve learned some stuff because that powerful man liked you enough to let you hang around in meetings. Thats basically using privilege to garner more privilege.

I wonder if this is a sign we’ve reached peak Gwyneth Paltrow hatred. GP is trying to do something good—bring attention to the realities of receiving SNAP—and youve got people complaing about the fact that she still has nice shoes. As the saying (kinda) goes, when people dont like you all you have to do is breath too

He said it that way because he realized that it could later be interpreted multiple ways. Basically, he wanted to leave himself room for plausible deniability.

I hope this “publicist” is now on some super secret Jezebel blacklist.