
The only interesting story among the men is the illiterate pimp turned pornstar. I'm curious how that'll play out now that he's the talent and not the power. Otherwise, keep the focus on the women.

Now I really want to know where Richard would have fallen on the dog pants debate.

Since the Ford hearing I’m still also in shock that Lindsey Graham would stand up in public and declare “I know I’m a single white man from South Carolina and I’ve been told to shut up, but I will not shut up.” Was he really trying to play the victimized white man card??
It’s like Trump took the White House and

Even if she were eligible to run, sadly she is dealing with stage-4 kidney cancer which itself would make a run impractical.

That’s been my thing the entire time. If this is 100% false and so offensive and life-ruining, where’s the legal action? Should be a slam dunk. Huh.

Then we’re all fucked.

You know what has been pissing me off lately?  There is already a remedy in the law for someone making “baseless” accusations which cause you damage.  It’s called suing for defamation.  That has not stopped being an option!  If someone lies and said you did something that you didn’t do, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. 

the accusation is enough to destroy someone’s career and someone’s life

Just keep in mind “corroboration” is the smokescreen here. Say someone robs you at gunpoint. The cops arrest them. You go to the station, they do a lineup, you point and say “yeah, that’s the dude,” and he goes to jail. Corroboration isn’t necessary to prove a crime has been committed.

One (and I know it’s hard to pick just one) of this most infuriating aspects of the hearing was the way he was so fucking self assured that this was his right to be on SCOTUS.  Nobody has a right to be a Supreme Court judge! 

I interpreted the republican rationale to be that even if Kav did it, it was so long ago and wasn’t bad enough to outweigh his experience on the bench etc. I always wonder if Kav would have responded differently if he had been confronted about this years ago. And if he’d been questioned or arrested as a teen, there

Exactly. It was Kavanaugh’s job to make the case for why he deserved to be confirmed, not the other way around (not to mention that most states specify that credible victim testimony can be enough for a jury to convict someone of sexual assault). Ford’s testimony was part of a totality of factors that should have been

I had some annoying Facebook argument Friday on the page of a female friend who has experienced sexual assault. Her male friend she grew up with in South Carolina says he knows a guy who was falsely accused so without irrefutable evidence we need to disbelieve women. I know a guy who was falsely accused also by a

This confirmation was never not going to happen. The FBI “investigation” was done half-heartedly, just to appease 3 republicans who felt like they needed some cover before they voted yes anyway.


I don’t think most of us had any idea how pervasive the problem of sexual assault is...”

Naaaash, that takes her owning any responsibility in this bullshit.

Seriously. Also, can we finally dispense with the bullshit notion that Collins is somehow pro-choice? She’s repeatedly voted in ways that weaken women’s rights over their bodies. Fuck her.

Susan Collins should’ve had to make that condescending, trashfire speech to Dr. Ford’s face.

What do you do when your country can’t even agree on reality?