
What happened is a tragedy, but the officers are not to blame

Are you fucking kidding me?

“get a cut”, give me a break. Knives are EXTREMELY dangerous. A person lunging at you with a knife absolutely has your life in their hands. You can’t really “fight” a person with a knife, you’ll get cut, and chances are you’ll get cut so bad you’ll bleed out. Unless you’re filming a kung fu sequence, I guess.

Attached is the RCMP Incident Management Intervention Model (IMIM) or Use of Force wheel. This Use of Force wheel is very similar to that used by U.S. Agencies. It shows what is justified in what circumstances.

>Fearing for your safety isn’t a good enough reason to end a life, to me.

I think the whole point is that it’s not. We have a narrow and false view of how “real” victims are supposed to act, and we question their victimhood when they defy that rather than noticing that some “weird” behaviors of victims are actually common, and that there really isn’t a “typical” response to being assaulted.

So...still a box of junk?

“What else do I need to do?...”

It’s just like you’d guess: Men primarily want younger, more attractive women, and women primarily want someone ambitious with financial stability. Again, this isn’t new. We know that high-achieving women have famously complained of a lack of eligible men they consider their intellectual equals. Heartthrob George

yes. as in infested with virginity. like my place is lousy with cockroaches. i’m pretty sure it’s taken from the word louse. infested with lice.

It was an early education on CW casting. ‘Why of course this 27 year old can pass for a 16 year old vampire, the audience will never question it. Duh!!’

I’ve seen Grease way, way too much, but here goes: Sandy doesn’t change for Danny, she changes for herself. There’s a whole song refrain about how she doesn’t like being “Sandra Dee” anymore.

OH MY GOD for me, it was a couple of years ago when I realized that it’s possible I’ve always read the Danny/Sandy summer situation wrong. He spends Summer Lovin’ implying that basically they had beach sex all day long. She just repeatedly endorses his gentlemanly sweetness and goodness and blah blah blah. As a Young

You think your “gggg grandkids” will look back and think that taking a pill in the 1st trimester of pregnancy to abort a literal clump of cells with no CNS (i.e., 90%+ of all abortions) is barbaric? Ok, crazy.

A lot of women are - inexplicably, in my opinion - offended by “ma’am.” They think the person using it is calling them old, rather than giving a respectful, polite title to a stranger, as is only proper.

ask and ye shall receive, Josh:


Of course society makes some people bad. Unless you’re arguing that some groups are just predisposed to being bad? American society has taken away opportunities from many groups, and in doing so, made it more likely that they will turn away from socially acceptable behaviors.

I always laugh when people are, like, shocked when you walk or ride a bike somewhere that is a real destination, but then think it’s totally normal to drive to a gym so that they can ride a bike/go for a run without actually going anywhere.