Yeah I’m confused.... DJKhalid has been around forever. I thought people were just like, enjoying that this already well known artist is also funny online sometimes. Whoops. Guess I misread that one.
I was always pushed to be the smartest and that God given intelligence was the end all be all of human worth, but the shitty part was hat I never really WAS terribly smart. My mom paired this feel-like-shittery with letting me know she thought I wasn’t pretty either, and that even if I were (something I could possibly…
My mom always talks about how unattractive she is and how she’s the ugliest person in the family (complex—— totally untrue) .... and people always say we are like twins :/ except I’m not nearly as pretty as she was/is. So that makes me feel GREAT!!!!!
...at work
You are pretty ignorant. People have been creating art and music forever, and not just elites. Maybe they get the credit or you’re imagining elite lazy rich kids studying art just so they can Dick around all day, but people who have a skill should put it to good use, and we should NEVER as a society abandon the arts.…
I grew up among musicians and almost all of them were also highly educated scientists or math majors. RANGE in education is crucial. I now work in toxicology and the majority of my coworkers are seriously lacking in writing skills, knowledge of history, political awareness or understanding, etc etc. This is not to say…
I'm pretty sure it still didn't pass the Bechdel test though.
I guess thats where we disagree, because i dont see anything “wrong” with what i described. Agree to disagree i guess! Have a nice day!
I just ugly cried again reading about you ugly crying while watching it the first time.
Its never ideal, it's divorce, but I'd say no one should feel they need to not date or get out there at all for multiple years after a relationship has ended, just because the legal aspects are taking that long.
Yep, youre exactly right! Im sorry folks would make you feel judged about something so lovely as your own children. Many of us feminists still take the idea of “choice” seriously!
American hustle! That's the one!
One of the first big publicized things that came out with jlaw was that movie set in the seventies with all those somewhat fading star male actors, one equal-level male actor. She was literally the biggest star / name of that move and all the men were making more than her on it. Lemme look up right quick.
And the companies that make/sell those clothes are able to keep them cheap by shipping jobs overseas to places that barely make them pay their workers at all or by underpaying their workers here, and the cycle goes on and on. Sigh.
... It can take multiple years evenafter the required separation period to sort out properties, finances, custody etc...especially if one side is being uncooperative, uncommunicative, or manipulative (likely).
Often we are asked to defend our choice and it can become reflexory for some, perhaps, to jump on the defensive, in the same way that anything someone is constantly taken to task for (in their personal lives they dont feel like they should have to defend but end up being asked to) might. In short, perhaps we have the…