thank god Nathan Rabin is back at the AV Club. I was about to completely give up on this site
thank god Nathan Rabin is back at the AV Club. I was about to completely give up on this site
It’s just so great to see Nathan back here after such a long and sad absence! Way to start clawing your way back to being a site worth visiting regularly, AVClub!
Nathan Rabin is back. Freaking love this article. Welcome back.
Finally, the best feature the AV Club ever ran is back with the best writer they ever employed! I made an account specifically so I can be aboard for the wacky Rabin shenanigans!
Welcome back, Nabin!
Seeing a Nathan Rabin article on the AV Club was the best part of my day. The fact that it’s MWotF? Even better!
AHHHH Nathan! How are you?? Why didn’t Paste buy this site earlier??
Commenting only, as a first time commentor and God knows how long reader, to encourage the AVC overlords (I'm assuming Disney by now) to bring back Rabin. He is a joy to read.
Rabin and MYOF back!?!
I just made a new account after being locked out of mine for ten years just to say HOLY SHIT!!!! It’s RABIN! ON AV CLUB! AGAIN! Sorry to raise my voice.
Count me as another person delighted to see Nabin back in the saddle at the AV Club!
I’m absolutely thrilled to see Nathan Rabin here again.
Oh my sweet Lord, what did we do to deserve this?? Bring back O'Neal too and all is forgiven, AV Club.
My World Of Flops back in effect in 2024? What is this, a crossover episode?
Oh my god Nabin is back. I genuinely made an emabressing high pitched noise when I saw a new MWoF.
Nabin! So good to see you here.
Holy Shit! MWoF is back?!