A Bear in a Hot Tub

We usually push the boundaries, but with Craggs gone, we've done some rethinking how crude we really need to be in public. So, we agree, which is why we edited down our in-house Super Bowl ad. Give it a look when you get a chance. Thanks for reading.

It's the "Chuck C. Johnson".

*clicks on it at work*

I'm just here so I won't get unionized.

If there's one reason to root for the Hawks to continue this win streak, it's to see how the poor schmuck who got himself into this mess continues to handle the situation. Time to earn your paycheck, social media manager!

Agent Carter needs more Dum Dum Dugan!

This is really serious news and quite shocking. Who made Jagr a Count?

Missed the best one:

Wow, New England, even all of the goddamn oceans are against you.

He's leaving to devote more time to building a real life dinosaur nature park located on an island off the coast of Costa Rica.

Wait, you're wrong about this, I wore that exact same outfit and my dick wasn't showing at all! Must've been a tear in the stitching.

Hold on Barry, you actually expect me to believe that the NFL knew about a problem and failed to act on it?

Force the Pats to be on Hard Knocks for the next two seasons. Belichick would lose his fucking mind.

And can you believe that those 100 footballs still contracted MRSA?

While I applaud your intent, I feel I must point out that your Iron Maiden records should never have never sat still long enough to have gathered dust.
