
The Twitter eggs tell me it’s a wonderful free country with a great super handsome leader, “and also “Trump 2020!” so I think it’s probably legit.

It’s a shitty place with a shitty economy supported by a shitty, free speech-curtailing government and following an oppressive, law-pushing shitty orthodox church.

I feel like it’s worth repeating!

Dude what? You know that hospitals aren’t in charge of names, right? Jesus fucking Christ.

“I’m going to the hospital where I was born in Bellefonte, Kentucky, and legally changing my name.”

Based on that pic I will refer to him as Clairol Shag Mullett and nothing else.

Probably has to do with South Africa being in the Southern Hemisphere, like how the toilets flush the other way.

Or they act perfectly charming during the courtship phase and morph overnight into deranged monsters once the ceremony’s complete. Happens all the time.

What a bunch of assholes, God Bless’em

In my experience there’s also quite a bit of whitewashing the past (I’m guilty of this myself)

“Nobody knew that creating a music festival could be so complicated.”

Agreed. If you can’t spell “fire” correctly, you can kindly fyck off.

like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.

I feel like a Kardashian / Jenner promotion and no other real details is huge red flag #1.

I find this hysterical.

Like, why would anyone try to actually scam us?

All fathers forget their kids exist all the time. Everybody knows that! Dads can’t remember everything, you know. Jeez!

Very sad. The Tour of the Gila really is a monster.

Did you run that headline by Judge Kara for a ruling, or will she be issuing a bench warrant for your ass later?