You know, my long lost CRX had sliders for HVAC (hell, no AC) and I drove through New England for years. All by feel.
This should be a separate article: why I regret selling the best Honda that ever existed.
You know, my long lost CRX had sliders for HVAC (hell, no AC) and I drove through New England for years. All by feel.
This should be a separate article: why I regret selling the best Honda that ever existed.
I know he got range. And yes I have seen those. I just can’t imagine him as SecUnit.
And a lot of that happens simultaneously with other action, and/or at speeds beyond human processing. The more I think about it, the harder it is for me to envision how this works in a visual medium.
Murderbot is one of my favorite series of the last decade, but I’m skeptical about its translation to screen - so much of it relies on SecUnit’s internal narration.
I would be quite happy to not have a third season of Good Omens. The second season was painful enough and even the first season (which was decent, but not spectacular) showed how important Terry Pratchett was to making the whole thing work.
Yikes, I don’t know if I can handle too man more seasons of The Boys. In 3 seasons almost nothing has changed, the characters are all more or less in the same place, with the exception of everything getting worse (bad guys have more power, good guys are becoming more like bad guys). It’s just bleak man.
Looks like that Orphan Black spin-off has just gone full SciFi then? Not that the original premise wasn’t itself mind you. And if you can’t have Tatiana Maslany back, getting Krystan Ritter is a good backup. She’s a chameleon like all great character actors, so look forward to seeing what she does with what I hope are…
Well in fairness to the PR flacks, I probably bear some blame since I certainly wasn’t looking for any more WoT stuff after the disaster of S1, especially given the release of Origins appears to have been synchronized with the premiere of the show.
Your wish for an emasculated, woke, soy boy James Bond sounds utterly unwatchable, and unfortunately also likely to be the final product.
Missed this
i think going into witch king and expecting murderbot is going to turn a lot of people off. it’s an epic fantasy with a distant, direct tone and it doesn’t have a lot of the interiority of the murderbot books, but it’s an incredible story.
Looks like i’ll be sailing the high seas for add free versions of content I watch
Is he going to make it actually watchable, just for a change?
I love articles like this. Gizmodo is a tech site, and this wooden structure was likely among the earliest forms of construction technology ever created on Earth. While it’s true that “modern humans” didn’t appear until later, if we learned anything from the study of Neanderthals, it’s that other species of hominids…
Booooooo it was great the way it was.
These look like bad papier mache. This is Fijian Mermaid levels of bad.
Took a turn for more boring, you mean.
These are just unfunny. This isn’t Trek, it’s lame fan service - that doesn’t even make sense. Would Spock really think those events are anything but tragic and gruesome?? He suppresses his emotions, not his intelligence (maybe that’s the trick to enjoying these and all else…
“Watch Lower Decks and Star Trek TAS on Paramount+” But not, you know, the OTHER animated series that has another season IN THE FREAKIN’ CAN!
Fun watchable trek returns!
You’re not wrong.