This seems to be going around. Binging with Babish just did an episode on this.
This seems to be going around. Binging with Babish just did an episode on this.
I’m voting for Warren in the primary because though I like some of what Sanders has said, I think he’s just too damn old. I’m tired of being governed by old white men.
Personally I’m really really tired of being governed by old white men. Trump solidified that opinion. In the primary if Warren is still around, I’ll be voting for her. Not because she is a woman, but because she is someone whose positions, I can get behind.
Sorry. He’s african american.
The attached article has a picture of him in answer to your question.
I’ve tried it and it is good (very similar to butter). It’s a great alternative for vegans. But you’re right, it is a bit pricey.
You forgot a biggie. Reinstate all environmental rules. Reinstate rules for endangered animals. Restore National Parks. Fight human caused climate change.
Paragraphs please. It makes reading a lot easier. Thx.
Baltimore Sun taste tested it.
They’re seasoned with just the spice mix, not crab.
Mom’s doesn’t have a lot that WF’s has. Like you said they have a butcher and seafood department, but Mom’s near me in central MD has a decent supply of organic foods, both frozen and fresh at good prices and well priced supplements. I guess I’m spoiled since I can always go to Trader Joes and Wegmans for other stuff.…
Fortunately for us in the DC area and central MD, we get to go to Mom’s Organic Market. Like a mini WF’s, but way way better.
Lynch & Syfy’s mini series. I’ve never seen the documentary about the Jodorowsky trying to produce a Dune movie.
Wow. Some of these fashions look straight out of a “Dune” movie.
Lots of likes. Always like to hear people speak of Baltimore in a good light.
Try Kweisi Mfume who’s currently running for Cumming’s old seat.
My family’s recipe uses bacon fat for the roux. Best way to go.
Doesn’t everyone have a favorite creamed spinach recipe? This one comes down from my German grandmother, but is called by my family simply “Mom’s Spinach”. It’s an absolute must for TG and Xmas dinners. It’s simple, but delicious.
pulmonary resuscitation ??