
Has nothing to do with article...  Thanks for the gif of Sayid from Lost.

I know the Iowa caucuses are just some 5 months away, but I still believe a lot of crap can go down between now and then, like screaming in a crowd of supporters or riding in a tank. It’s still too early for predictions about who’s going to continue to remain in the front.

The only baby is the one in the biggest picture, front and center. All the rest look like pure angels.

You’re right. Utz’s Kettle chips have some great flavors, but some they fail, like their Crab (Old bay flavor) chips. The chips have a strong pepper taste, but that’s it. Really no hint of old bay at all. So disappointing. 

Now I can see we’re going to have relationship problems already, since I love raisins in cookies, olives and hate mushrooms with a passion.

Hey, at least the current US government agrees with Iran on something.

He doesn’t seem to like women too much.

“I want a bitch president”


Gotta be honest. When I glanced at the top picture, I sure as hell didn’t see Beto O’Rourke. I saw a much younger Dave Grohl. Like when he played with Nirvana. Only it sounds like Giannascoli is a total dick and Dave Grohl is about the nicest rocker you can imagine. 

In 2016, my brother-in-law said he supported Carson for president because he thought Carson was intelligent since he was a surgeon. Me. Turns around to nearest wall to bang my head against it.

It does boggle the mind. One of my sisters and her husband are Trumpers. 2 seemingly intelligent, nice as can be people. Why, why. They seem to live in some other plane of existence or bubble.

My take

Maybe other animals, birds or fish eat the rest? Lots of scavengers in the woods.

Trained groundhog or just another media whore?

“The Women’s March wants to be a broad movement, which means they want the women on the board to be palatable to most, and therefore without extreme/controversial positions”

I love avocados and would eat them all the time except for the fact that for the last couple of years ALL AVOCADOS (regular and organic) I’ve bought taste like cardboard. Just bland as hell. It doesn’t matter if it’s unripe, ripening or over ripe. It’s all crap. What happened? Every once and awhile, I’ll break down

Prego’s chunky vegetable sauces are my favorite goto for pasta. Probably because I love basil a lot. 

But it’s not. There is no predicting what can happen to a person in their 70's going on 80's. Literally anything can go wrong. Hell I should know. I got a chronic illness at 36, am going on 55 and feel like I’m 75. Shit happens.

If Sanders, Biden or Warren does win, you’re right, the choice of VP will be pretty damn important. A lot of shit can happen real quick to a person in their 70's going on 80's. A much younger and an already very experienced VP is necessary.