YES! We have so many idiotic inside jokes and people just look at us like we’re insane but whatever. We’re having a pretty good time over here. :)
YES! We have so many idiotic inside jokes and people just look at us like we’re insane but whatever. We’re having a pretty good time over here. :)
Ted Cruz is totally the Penguin.
This brings up a fun game. Which supervillain is each candidate?
“Moderate” is slowly becoming extinct in the Right.
A “moderate” Conservative in US politics would be a far-right nutjob in France, Germany, Sweden, Canada or pretty much every other Western democratic system.
The other 2016 GOP candidates are so crazy that anyone that doesn’t seem to require a straight jacket seems moderate. But just because other villains are less flamboyant than the Joker, it doesn't mean they're not villains.
But half of those facilities stayed open.
In 2015 a Republican moderate is someone who only wants to make reproductive choice a Class 2 felony.
We do it to my stepdad who's a diabetic! It's so much fun. We are terrible lol
This. And “I want a child of my oooooowwn”
It also implies that you can tell who is a rapist because rapists are all creepy, you know? None of them are ever charming and likeable, no sir. It’s not like sociopaths are masters at manipulation. Definitely not. And then there’s the “of course he was a rapist, I knew he was one all along” - implying that his…
Feel the need to rant.
Also, writing like “submitting to the whims of his cock and his mind” is just fucking awful and unsexy.
I learned how to cut my own hair, mostly because I’m poor, but also because I hate small talk. Win/win!
I have low blood sugar and when I start to feel woozy my husband will shout this (in a ridiculous over the top Southern accent) and then we laugh and people around us think we’re nuts. Good fucking times.
OMG, it’s like I gain another three chins as soon as the cape goes on! It’s some kind of witchcraft.
I would be happy if my dentist would just stop resting his various tools in the hollow of my throat. Dude, my neck is not a tray. You have a whole fucking tray right at your elbow for this exact purpose.
This!This!This! I’m mostly fine with the awkward conversation. But give me a fucking break, how can I answer those questions with hands, tools, cotton etc. in my mouth?
I don’t mind a bit of chit chat.